A Message from the Rev’d Amanda Collinson

Posted by Admin on 23 November 2014, 9:28 pm

Amanda Collinson


St John the Baptist Church



Tel: 01983 294913

Email: revamandacollinson@virginmedia.com


Unto us a child is born.

Six words that changed the world over 2000 years ago with the birth of Christ and yet these same six words remain life-changing today when men and women around the world become parents for the first time.
When Jesus came into the world, he turned life as people knew it upside down … no longer were the poor, diseased or sinners outcasts of all society – they suddenly had a champion in Jesus Christ. He loved the unlovable as well as everyone else with a love that was unconditional, unending and greater than anyone had ever experienced before. At this time of year, we remember when he first showed himself to the world, not as a great Messianic King but a humble baby, born in a stable.
How often have things turned out completely the opposite of what you expected? This has certainly happened to me, but perhaps not on the same scale as God coming to earth as a baby!
Unto us a child is born.
We experienced the joy and heartache of parenthood in a matter of weeks when we found out that Jacob was profoundly deaf … but that is nothing compared to the heartache too many parents feel when they have very disabled children or children diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. I am writing this letter on the weekend after Children in Need and I am sure I was not the only one who shed tears when they saw the amazingly brave families on the screen and humbled when you saw all that they had to deal with. But they still smile despite the heartache because of the wonderful child they have.
Unto us a child is born.
I am hoping Band Aid 30 will be Christmas Number 1 again with the latest version of ‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’. This time they are raising money to help with the fight against Ebola. Children are being born and some are orphaned within weeks through this horrific disease. And yet these new babies bring hope and joy to villages savaged by the disease: they are signs of new life amongst the dead and dying.
Unto us a child is born.
I recently heard about the joy a couple had on hearing that they were with child after trying for so long, and also am aware of the heartache of couples who are yet to hold a desperately longed-for child in their arms. Giving birth seems such a natural thing, and yet if you get down to the biological level, I think it is almost a miracle every time someone falls pregnant – everything that had to happen at the right time in the right place is certainly not a simple thing. And yet there are some babies born into families where they don’t fully appreciate the amazing blessing from God that their children are.
Unto us a child is born.
Six words that turned the world upside down all those years ago and still turn lives upside down around the world, in our nation and around our village.
To those who will give birth during this festive season, I wish you health and happiness for the special day. For those wanting a child I pray God will bless you soon. For those who are struggling with family life, through disability, illness or death, may you always feel God’s love and compassion during your difficult times. For those who no longer see their children – thank you for being the most important person in the world to them, turning your lives upside down, caring and loving them despite the ups and downs in family life.
May you never forget the miracle of the Baby Jesus or the life of any other baby and may the Christ child bless each and every one of you during this Christmastide.

Rev’d Amanda


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