Northwood Community Partnership

Posted by Admin on 13 July 2009, 12:00 am


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 23rd June 2009

at the W. I. Hall, Northwood

Present:-  C Palmerton (Chairman), R Mazillius (Councillor), PCSO S Oatley, D Miller, P Fuller, N Thearle, Mrs P Jardine, Miss S Lambert, Dr C Jackson, Mrs A Jonas, 
Mrs E Palmerton (Secretary)

In Attendance:-   R Richards.

Apologies:-  J Pullen, Mrs J Knight, Mrs M Yule, Mrs J Darby.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.46pm. He welcomed all members present especially Dr Carole Jackson and Ray Richards.

Declaration of Interest:-

P Fuller stated a prejudicial interest in Item 7.

1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting:-

The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members prior to this meeting.
Proposed by P Fuller and seconded by Mrs Jardine, the Chairman signed them as a true record.

2. Police & Neighbourhood Watch Reports:-

PCSO Oatley reported that there had been 1 reported crime during the last 30 days. This was a theft of solar garden lamps from Nodes Road. He was pleased to say that there had been no reports of Youth nuisance. J Pullen was unable to attend the meeting but left a report. He had received a telephone call from a lady who lives on Newport Road, stating that  a young lad was riding a motorbike up and down the road between Chawton Lane and the Horseshoe Inn very fast and doing “wheelies”. This was happening at silly times also causing noise. She was very frightened that he may cause an accident or have one himself. These details have been forwarded to PC Mark Thomas. PCSO Oatley said he would follow this up.

3. Environment Neighbourhood Officer’s Report:-

        No report.

4. Secretary & Treasurer’s Report:-

The Secretary reported that and an email has been received from The Highways Officer at the IW Council informing us that  the Council have allocated money for the erection of  new bus shelters within the Village. The Chairman and Secretary are to meet the Council Officer on site during the next week.
Mrs Palmerton passed round copies of the Treasurer’s report. Proposed by R Mazillius, seconded by Miss Lambert, the report was accepted.

5. Councillor’s Report:-

Councillor Mazillius reported that he had been appointed as Chairman of the Audit Committee and of the Investment Committee for the new Council. 2 reports of “fly tipping” near Luton Farm and a freezer in Medham Farm Lane near Church Lane. 
The Council is doing checks of the footways and pavements on the whole of the Island. Traffic speeding is still an issue. Highways are to fit a speed reactor sign in Venner Avenue. The traffic signals in Newport Road near the Stag Public House, will hopefully  be removed by the end of the week. 
D Miller stated that the steel poles for the School signage have been erected. When will the 20mph signs be completed? R Mazillius stated that there has been a delay of 3 months because of bulk planning permission. Hopefully these will be put up for the start of 
the new School term.

6. Northwood –in – Bloom:-

The judging of Wight in Bloom will take place week commencing Monday 6th July 2009.
This is carried out by a panel of Judges appointed by the IW Council. Our Northwood In Bloom will be judged by members of the Partnership also during week commencing 6th July 2009. The final judging will be carried out by an independent resident of the Village and the results will be announced at the Northwood Village Produce Annual Show on Saturday 15th August 2009.

7. Calor Village of the Year:-

The Judging will be on Friday 10th July 2009, 10.00am at the W. I. Hall, Northwood. Final preparations are being made and it hoped as many members of the Partnership as possible, attend and make this day a success for all the Village. Many Clubs and organisations have 
been invited to attend, to show what is being achieved  within our community.

8. Future of the Partnership:-

Since the inception of the Parish Council, the Partnership decided to stand alone for 1 year and carry on doing projects for the benefit of the residents. This time has now lapsed and we have to decide our future. Discussion took place and it was proposed by P Fuller and seconded by N Thearle, that the Partnership remains stand alone. It was felt that the Partnership was able to source funding from different avenues than the Parish Council. 
All Agreed.

9. Fund Raising:-

At the last meeting a football competition was suggested. It was felt that there are too many held on the Island and would not get the support. The members suggested obtaining sponsors perhaps from the local businesses for watering the troughs and flower beds. 
Another idea was to ask the residents – somebody might like to donate a seat in memory of a “loved one”  and place it within the Village.

10. Welcome Packs:-

        Due to the absence of A Chick there was no report.



11. Village Trail:-

The work is still progressing on this project and Miss Lambert has offered to assist on this project.

12.  Safer routes to School:-

P Fuller said that a meeting is to take place during the next   few weeks and he will report back at the next meeting. 

13.  Future Agenda Items:-

         Village Day
         Sponsored Walk.

14.     Date of next Meeting:-


TUESDAY 28TH  JULY, 2009 AT 7.45PM


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55pm thanking all present for their attendance.









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