Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 12 November 2009, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in the Women’s Institute Hall, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 6 October 2009.

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Marie Ely, Roger Mazillius, Colin Palmerton, Eileen Turner-Palmerton

In attendance: 
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

Also present for the presentation:
 Jim Fawcett, IW Council’s Principal Officer (Environment)
 Paul Atkins, Energy Saving Partnership
There was one member of the public present.

Prior to the start of the meeting the Public Forum took place.
Mr L Measures raised the issue of traffic speeds and associated problems in Northwood, particularly along Pallance Road.  This matter was referred to the Traffic and Transport Working Party for their consideration and to make recommendations to the next meeting of the Parish Council.  Mr Measures accepted the invitation to attend the meeting of the Working Party to present evidence justifying his concern.
90. Apologies
Apologies had been received from PC Mark Thomas and from Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for Northwood.
91. Declarations of Interest
 Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 98, as he  was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee.

92. Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 September 2009


THAT the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 September 2009 be confirmed as a true record subject to the following amendments:
Minute 75, second sentence should read Northwood Community Partnership
Minute 78, the insertion of ‘panels in the proposed’ after the word ‘advertising’ in the third line
Minute 87, line 6, should be Pallance Lane
and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Minutes on behalf of the Parish Council.

93. Matters Arising on the Minutes
a. Minute No 43b Play Builder Scheme – The clerk advised that a briefing session was being arranged for all Year 2 project leads. It was anticipated  this would be held on 23 October, subject to confirmation from Play England of the exact date and time
b. Minute 78 Northwood Bus Shelters – Kevin Burton, the IWC’s Group Manager – Transport Strategy had notified that as a result of the Parish Council’s absence to express support for the advertising panels the two allocated bus shelters had been programmed for installation at alternative locations. There were currently no further plans to change the shelters at Northwood.
c. Minute 81 The Big Tidy Up – Thanks were expressed to all those who had attended this event.  Mention was made of the unacceptable amount of dog  faeces found on the play park area. The increase had been very noticeable, in an area, which preferably should be kept dog free.  Councillors also  reported problems in the emptying of the dog bin in Wyatts Lane.  It was suggested that this could, in part, be due to the change over to the winter timetable.
94. Presentation from Jim Fawcett, Principal Officer, of IWC’s Environment and Waste Section on the new Island Insulation Scheme
 The Chairman welcomed Mr Jim Fawcett, the Principal Officer, of the IWC’s Environment and Waste Section and Mr Paul Atkins, of the Energy Saving  Partnership.A presentation was received on the Island Insulation scheme, a new partnership initiative jointly established by the IW Council and Eon.The scheme aimed to offer home insulation, for free to those over 70 years of age or on certain benefits, and at a discounted price to owner  -occupiers and private tenants.Councillors were very mindful of the No Cold Calling Zone in place in Northwood, which had been established to protect the vulnerable against unscrupulous salespersons.  However, subject to certain reassurances being obtained, support for the initiative was expressed. That the scheme would also assist in the reduction of the Island’s carbon footprint, in support of the Eco Island Strategy.


 THAT the Parish Council supports the initiative, subject to the receipt of the following:
i. A copy of the letter to be delivered to all residents;
ii. Confirmation of registration with the Buy with Confidence scheme;
iii. Confirmation that Trading Standards are content with all aspects of the scheme;
iv. A concise press release to enable details to be inserted in the next issue of the Northwood News

95. Report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer
 In the absence of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer, the clerk read the report submitted on events that had taken place since the last meeting. Particular mention was made of the following:
An assault of a male after he had alighted from a bus near to Northwood Garage, by several males who had also been in the bus.  The police were keen  to hear from any witnesses or from anyone with any knowledge of those responsible
An act of criminal damaged had occurred on 2 October, in Nodes Road, when the roof of a car was dented while parked in the driveway
Male arrested on 16 September for possession of a class B drug
Theft of a low value painting from an address in Woodside Close on 8 or 9 September

 Councillors were rather disturbed to be advised that not one of the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators in the area had been advised of the crimes  committed.  While appreciating the need to not increase the fear of crime, councillors considered it to be very regrettable that the information had not been circulated.


 THAT the clerk writes to Sgt Julie Cocks expressing councillors’ regret that information on crimes committed in Northwood had not been passed to the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator. 

96. Report from Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer (ENO) for Northwood 
 In the absence of Ms Jacqui Darby, the ENO, the clerk read out the report submitted on issues arising in Northwood.  Particular mention was made of the following:
The damaged bollard at the footway between Greenways and Venner Avenue had been reported and hopefully it had now been replaced – Councillors advised  that this had not yet been undertaken.  The clerk to advise the ENO.
The ongoing problems with the overgrown hedgerow causing obstruction of the light along the pathway between the Horseshoe public house and Venner Avenue and a suggested way forward to rectify this
The onsite meeting organized with interested parties to resolve the issue of motorcyclists along Medham footway causing a nuisance.
The broken fence near to the Million Bloom garden along the Newport Road

97. Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15 September 2009


 That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15 September be approved.

98. Town and Country Planning
 Cllr Fuller, having declared a personal interest in the following item of business, retired to the public seating area, prior to any discussion or  decision thereon.

a. Consideration was given to the following application received and comments made in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
TCP/294443/A Skinners Farm, Pallance Road, Northwood, PO31 – Replacement agricultural worker’s dwelling (aorm)


THAT this Parish Council has no material planning objections to the application, but would suggest that a condition is imposed for the height of the hedgerow to be reduced rather than its actual removal, in order to improve the visibility splay onto Pallance Road.
Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting forum.

b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting, were noted:

i. TCP/01071/09 16 Oxford Street, Northwood, PO31 8PT – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of conservatory; alterations; single storey extension to provide additional living accommodation
ii. P/01102/09 53 Pallance Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 – Refusal of Planning Permission for a single storey extension to form swimming pool with  shower room and plant room; glazed roof covered patio area.
iii. LBC/29783 Northwood Cemetery, Newport Road, Cowes PO31 7PN – Conditional Listed Building Consent for proposed under-pinning and temporary  stabilisation of mortuary building

99. Application for funding received from Northwood Playgroup 
 Consideration was given to the application received from Northwood Playgroup, which had been submitted in accordance with the Parish Councils’ Financial Regulations.  The request for financial assistance would enable the refreshment of the indoor craft and creative tools, which had become rather depleted and worn.


 THAT the sum of £100 be granted to Northwood Playgroup.

100. To consider establishing a Working Party to ensure the future maintenance of the new planters


i. THAT a Northwood in Bloom Working Party be established to make recommendations on and to ensure continuing maintenance of the planters and flower  beds in Northwood;
ii. THAT the Working Party comprise of Cllrs Mrs M Ely, R Mazillius, C Palmerton, J Pullen and Mrs E Turner-Palmerton.

101. The decision of the IW Council to give two months notice of their intention to withdraw from the tri-partate agreement with IWALC and Parish and Town Councils
 The clerk referred to the letter sent by Mr C Mathews, the IW Council’s Democratic Services Manager to the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) notifying of the IW Council’s intention to withdraw from the tri-partite agreement. The Chairman confirmed that a similar, surprise announcement had been made at the recent meeting of IWALC.  The reasons cited were the increasingly difficult financial situation, which was prohibiting the provision of an improved, sustainable level of support to elected Members of the IW Council.   Discussion ensued on the perceived implications of this decision, particularly the effect this could have on future training, the recruitment of parish councillors and the lack of secretarial/administrative support. 

i THAT a letter be sent to the Leader of the IW Council expressing regret at the notice of the withdrawal of support, inviting him to respond  positively
ii THAT this be an agenda item for the next meeting of the Parish Council

102. To appoint two representatives to attend the briefing meeting on the IW Council’s Highways PFI Programme to be held on Thursday, 19 November at 5.30 pm, in the Council Chamber


THAT Cllrs Colin Cramp and John Pullen be appointed to attend the briefing session on the IW Council’s Highways PFI Programme.

103.   To consider what response, if any, to make with regard to the following consultation – Youth Connexions Service Consultation

THAT councillors make individual personal comments in response to the Youth Connexions Service Consultation

104. Clerks Report 
a. Administration
It was noted that the clerk has passed the Power of Well-Being module of the Cilca qualification.
b. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of September 2009 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 14 were received and noted.
ii. The half yearly financial statement was received and consideration given to re-establishing the Precept Working Party in order to make recommendations for the Precept for 2010-11.  The clerk advised that the anticipated carry forward to 2010 should be increased by £124.72, to include the VAT refund received in April.

THAT the Precept Working Party be re-established comprising of Cllrs C Cramp, P Fuller and J Pullen to consider and make recommendations to the next meeting of the Parish Council on the Precept for 2010-11.

iii. Retrospective approval was requested for the following cheques as payment was due prior to today’s meeting:
000079, £5000.00, Scottish Widows Business 7 days Notice Account
000080, £977.50, Beardsalls, printing of Welcome Pack
000081, £50.00, Lawrence Yule, delivery of Welcome Pack
000082, £50.00, Mrs L Dale, delivery of Welcome Pack
000083, A J Wells & Sons, £349.60, Gateway Sign


THAT retrospective approval be granted for the above cheques

iv. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
   Cllr Mazillius declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the payment of cheque No 000087 and took no part in the decision thereon.

000084, IW Council, Clerks Salary for August
000085, £33.55, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000086, £12.98, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000087, £20.00, Mr R Mazillius, Returnable deposit on Allotment No 15
000088, £500.00, Timbercraft, cost of planters


   THAT the above cheques be approved.
105. To receive progress reports from Working Parties:
a. Allotments Working Party
    Reference was made to the written report received, in particular    that the landowner had agreed for a further year extension to the lease.
b. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
  A meeting of the Working Party would take place within the next two weeks.
c. Housing Needs Working Party
 Following a call in the Northwood news for the identification of plots of land of land suitable for affordable housing, two responses had been received.  A meeting of the Working Party was to be held to consider the viability of the suggested areas.
d. Village Design Statement (VDS) Working Party
As no offers of support to assist in the undertaking of a VDS had been received, it was agreed for this matter to be held in abeyance until after the Parish Council election next year.
e. Youth Forum Working Party

106. To receive the report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood
 The report of IW Cllr R Mazillius, which had been circulated with the agenda and updated further by email, was noted.  Cllr Mazillius also advised:
· The planned closure at the end of the month of the Newport to Cowes cycle track. This would enable £30K worth of essential flood elevation works to  be undertaken, which should be completed within a four-week timescale.
His attendance in the near future at a meeting to discuss safe walking routes to and from Northwood primary school.
· An update on the application for the designation of an area of land at the end of Harry Cheek Gardens behind properties in Pallance Road, as a Village Green

107. Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda.

108. Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Mrs E Turner-Palmerton advised that Northwood had come runners-up in a very close contest in the Village of the Year competition.
Cllr Mrs E Turner-Palmerton reported that the Welcome Pack, which had been finalized in due time, would be circulated to every household in Northwood during  the next week.  The village trail would form part of the IW Walking Festival in 2010.  On 14 May a guided walk was to take place leaving from the Horseshoe public house.
Cllr Fuller advised he was to lead an 8-mile village trail walk
Cllr Cramp reported his attendance on the recent Town and Country Planning course

109. Future Agenda Items
        Consideration of the purchase of a wreath for Remembrance Sunday.

110. Brief Review of Meeting
 Councillors considered that meetings were still rather lengthy.  It would be preferable if the start time could be bought forward to an earlier time, although this would be difficult due to the current venue for the meetings.



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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