Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 19 January 2016, 7:37 pm



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 5 January 2016.


Present: Councillors Chris Riddet (Chairman), David Jaggar (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, John Nicholson, Malcolm Nicholson, John Pullen, Derek Smith and John Ward


Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)


There were no members of the public or press in attendance.


167/15-16 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from PCSO Derek Howard.


168/15-16 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
No declarations of interest were made at this stage of the meeting.


169/15-16 To receive a report on any local safety neighbourhood issues occurring since the last meeting held of the Parish Council
During the following item of business Cllr Fuller entered the meeting room.


In the absence of any representative from the Local Safety Neighbourhood Team, the clerk read from the report she had received.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• One crime had been recorded for the month of December. Unfortunately, no details had been provided so to enable any comparison with the number of crimes committed the previous year. It was also noted that the crime reports service had ceased. PCSO Howard had suggested looking at the website  However, this site had not been updated since November.
• A Speeedwatch activity had taken place early in the morning of Monday, 21 December, along Pallance Road.  Three vehicles had been recorded as breaching the limit, travelling at 35mph or over.  The next activity would take place on 7 January.
• Details of the three Community Priorities set by the PACT and of the Hampshire Alert free web based system were mentioned again, but these had been reported to earlier meetings.


170/15-16 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 1 December 2015


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2015 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


171/15-16 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
a. Minute 128/15-16 Chawton Solar Farm – The requested information had been supplied to Lightsource, on 8 December, with regard to their kind offer of a one off community benefit payment of £5K.  As an acknowledgement and/or further information was still awaited the clerk was requested to make further inquiries.
b. Minute 150/15-16 b Women’s Institute – Cllr Pullen informed that an informal meeting with members of the Women’s Institute was due to take place on Friday, 8 January.
c. Minute 154/15-16 Posts at the top of Uplands Road – Following the meeting in December, Island Roads had confirmed that an inspection of the posts had been undertaken and any necessary replacements would form part of their works programme.  A white cross had been placed on a few of the posts, suggesting that they were to be removed and new ones inserted. The works were to have been carried out by the end of December. In a telephone conversation with Island Roads it had been advised that the posts were on order and their delivery due shortly.
d. 157/15-16 Draft MOU with Northwood Community Partnership – Two copies of the revised MOU, together with a list of the Partnership’s known assets, had been sent to the Secretary of the Community Partnership for the signature of their Chairman and return to the clerk.  This was now to be discussed at their meeting later this month.  The clerk advised that she had received an initial report from the builder of the Noticeboard, outlining its condition and the necessary works required to bring it back to its original condition. This would enable quotations to obtained for its refurbishment. Due to its poor state this work could potentially cost upwards from £350, although no firm prices were provided.  In the meantime, the builder had offered to undertake a number of minor works, subject to a maximum cost of £20, to cover the necessary fixtures and fittings.  This work would be completed on receipt of the formal agreement of the MOU.


172/15-16 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following planning application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at


TCP/31184/E land adjacent to 62, Pallance Road, Northwood – Variation of condition no. 2 on P/01294/14 – TCP/31184/D to allow alterations to the elevations for plot 2.


THAT Northwood Parish Council raised no material planning objections with regard to the Planning Application TCP/31184/E land adjacent to 62 Pallance Road, Northwood for the variation of condition No2, on P/01294/14 – TCP/31184/D to allow alterations to the elevation for plat 2. However, councillors expressed their confusion as to whether this application had actually received planning approval.


b. To note the decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council
i. TCP/31788/A 43 Venner Avenue, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of porch and hall; single storey side extension to provide kitchen and dining room (revised scheme)
ii. TCP/14203/H Chawton Farm, Chawton Lane, Northwood – Variation of condition No 2 on TCP/14203/E to allow an extension of 5 years.
iii. TCP/32318/A 6 Greenways Close, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the continued use of property as mixed use as residential and provision of childcare


173/15-16 To consider the response from IWALC in respect of the Discretionary Service Support Proposal
At the last meeting councillors had raised several questions with regard to the proposal for a partnership arrangement between IWALC and the IW Council, to provide funding support for a discretionary “Planning Enforcement” service across the Island. Consideration was given to the response of Cllr T Wakeley, of Ryde Town Council, which was attached to the agenda.


THAT Northwood Parish Council agreed to commit to the proposal for a partnership arrangement between IWALC and the IW Council and approved funding support of £669 towards a discretionary “Planning Enforcement” service across the Island.


174/15-16 To note the various letters with regard to the Community Bus scheme and to approve the suggestion of the Precept Working Party for the budget for 2016/17
Councillors noted the various correspondence from the Chairman of Gurnard Parish Council, the Chairman of the Community Bus Management Committee and the Bus Co-Ordinator.  It was suggested that to prevent any further misunderstandings, in future, the local bus forum be resurrected.  Cllr Riddet volunteered to investigate if there was any required need and report back to the next meeting.
The Precept Working Party proposed that the Precept for 2016/17 remain at £20,000.


THAT the Precept for 2016/17 be set once again at £20,000, which includes the Central Government grant that had been agreed by the IW Council to be passed over in full.


175/15-16 To comment on and approve the “Welcome to Northwood” booklet
Cllr Riddet tabled an example for the proposed new parish map, to be used in the revised “Welcome to Northwood” booklet and updated Parish Plan.  Councillors unanimously supported that Cllr Riddet obtain a quotation for a digital copy, which could then be uploaded onto the new parish council website.

i. THAT it be agreed, that due to the specialised nature of providing the proposed parish map, Financial Regulations be suspended and only one quotation be obtained;

ii. THAT the cost of a new parish map be financed from the Parish Plan update budget.


176/15-16 To consider the letter from the Chairman of IW Council and HM Lord-Lieutenant concerning the Patrons lunch on the occasion of HM the Queen’s 90th birthday
Councillors were minded that the Parish Council would not be able to take up the suggestion to organise a community event to celebrate the occasion of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday.  It was suggested that as the Community Partnership had organised similar, successful events in the past, that the letter be forwarded to them, for their perusal.


THAT a copy of the letter from the Chairman of the IW Council be sent to the Northwood Community Partnership for their interest.


177/15-16 To receive a report for information on Community Wellbeing
Cllr J Nicholson referred to his report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting. The report provided a summary of the progress and developments in Community Wellbeing on the Island.


178/15-16 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet raised the matter of the confusing signage in respect of the current roadworks along Three Gates Road, between Seaview Road and Newport Road.  Cllr J Nicholson volunteered to take up the matter with Island Road representatives.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
There were no matters to report.
c. Parish Plan Working Party
There was no further update to report.  A meeting of the Working Party had not yet been organised.
d. Green Space Project Working Party
Cllr Ward advised that he had made an initial inquiry, but had no results to report back at present.


179/15-16 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr J Nicholson referred to matters set out in his report. Particular mention was made of the following:
• Both Lanesend and Northwood primary schools were looking for patrons from business and the community to assist as a visitor to listen to readers or act as a mentor to a child that had an insecure background;
• Both Cowes and Northwood Councils shared concerns over the damage being done to newly laid road surfaces by utility companies, particularly when some of the roadworks should have been better planned. It was suggested that Cllrs J Nicholson and Fuller should seek the assistance of Andrew Turner MP, to take the matter further.  Cllr Ward was requested to raise the matter at the next meeting of IWALC.


180/15-16 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of December 2015 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 89 were received and duly noted.


ii. Cheque No 000439.


THAT approval be granted retrospectively, for the payment of cheque 000439 in favour of Community Action IW, for £1,099.42, for the clerk’s salary, on 14 December.


iii. To authorise payment of cheques


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment:
000440, £66.79, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses,
000441, £273.75, Annual Local Council insurance,
000442, £195.15, Northwood Community Partnership, Donation to cover the hire of the hall during 2016, for eleven Residents Events.


iv. To consider the application for a donation towards the Armed Forces Day.


THAT a grant of £200 be approved towards the Armed Forces Day celebrations on Saturday, 18 June 2016.


b. Administration
i. To consider arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the Parish and to suggest a key note speaker.


THAT arrangements be made for the Annual Meeting of the Parish to be held on Tuesday, 3 May 2016 and that no key note speaker be invited.


ii. To approve Mr Mike Cox, as the Internal Auditor for the 2015/16 accounts.


THAT Mr Mike Cox, be approved as the Internal Auditor for the 2015/16 accounts.


181/15-16 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.


182/15-16 Councillors’ reports
The Chairman wished for the thanks of councillors to the clerk to be placed on record, for continuing to serve the Parish Council during the current difficult time, whilst her mother was ill in hospital.


183/15-16 Future Agenda Items
Northwood WI




Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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