Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 5 March 2014, 11:56 am


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, David Jaggar, John Nicholson and John Ward

also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
PCSO Steve Anker
Mrs Jill Cowley – to provide information on the Remembrance Orchards


There was one member of the public in attendance.


197/13-14 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Mew and Smith.  Also Cllr Fuller had advised that he would be a little late due to his attendance at a meeting of the Children & Young People Scrutiny Budget Panel, at County Hall


198/13-14 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
Cllr Jaggar declared a prejudicial interest in Minute 204/13-14, advising that he would withdraw from the meeting prior to any discussion or decision thereon
Cllr Nicholson declared a personal interest in Minute 202/13-14 a. as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee


199/13-14 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer, plus an opportunity to discuss local policing priorities
PCSO Steve Anker presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on matters since the last meeting.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• The current priority of the LSN team was to target any rogue traders in the area
• A Community Speed Watch event had taken place in Pallance Road.  The perception of speed was far greater than the actual speed of drivers recorded, who were generally within the speed limit.  However, the number of drivers who did slow down when they realised what was going on, was noticable
• There had been no reported crimes in the area during the past month


200/13-14 To welcome Mrs Jill Cowley, to outline plans of the Remembrance Orchards scheme
The Chairman welcomed Mrs Jill Cowley to the meeting, to provide background information on the proposed scheme to plant Remembrance Orchards, across the  island, to commemorate the sacrifices made in the First World War.  Mrs Cowley advised that a number of parishes had memorials to the fallen.  However, she was trying to raise awareness of the lives of those families whose men came back, how they had coped, who undertook their jobs while they were at war.  Also how they had dealt with the physical and mental damage suffered by their menfolk.  In an attempt to bring these families back to life, Mrs Cowley was working with local schools and communities, welcoming any anecdotes, history or local knowledge of these people.  In Yarmouth and Shalfleet it was planned to create centenary trails around the local addresses of the WW1 individuals identified.
A Development Officer from the Heritage Lottery Fund had been assigned to the project and together they were moving towards a full grant application.   However, to be successful, evidence by way of a letter was required, which confirmed ownership of the land by the council/organisation and not just that permission of a landowner had been granted for the planting of the trees.  A commitment also had to be made to oversee the trees for a minimum period of 5 years.  A further criteria stipulated by the Heritage Lottery Fund was proof that the scheme would lead to a permanent local record, so to increase the understanding of life and times during WW1. Old maps depicted that there was a swathe of orchards across the Island, by recreating this would provide a living memorial to those who had died.
The Chairman thanked Mrs Cowley for attending.


201/13-14 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meetings of the Parish Council held on 7 January


THAT the Minutes of the meetings held on 7 January 2014 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


201/13-14 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
a. Minute 183/13-14 – Flooding in Pallance Road – The clerk advised she had contacted Southern Water, on 17 January, with regard to the problem and had received an automated response stating that a reply would be sent within 5 – 10 working days.  This was still awaited.
b. Minute 187/13-14 Attendance at the County Training Partnership Conference – Unfortunately, Cllr Ward was now unable to attend
c. Minute 192/13-14 a iii Armed Forces Day  – An acknowledgement and letter of thanks for the donation had been received.  Also an invitation had been extended for the Chairman and his wife to attend the day, as a VIP guest, which the Chairman was pleased to accept


202/13-14 Town and Country Planning
a. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP77241/A 33 Pallance Road, Northwood – Proposed alterations and single storey extension on  rear elevation to form living/dining area


THAT Northwood Parish Council raised no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/77241/A at 33 Pallance Road, Northwood


Cllr Nicholson declared a prejudicial interest as his property backed onto the site location of the application.  He withdrew from the meeting room prior to any discussion or decision thereon.


ii. TCP/11337/A 135 Pallance Road, Northwood – Demolition of existing single storey rear extension; Proposed two storey extensions on rear and side elevations to provide additional living accommodation


THAT Northwood Parish Council raised no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/11337/A at 135 Pallance Road, Northwood. However, councillors having noted the concerns of the neighbouring resident at 133 Pallance Road request that conditions are put in place to prevent any disturbance of, or undermining to the foundations of, or to the retaining wall of this property


Cllrs Nicholson and Fuller entered the meeting room.


b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were duly noted:
i. P/01413 26 Nodes Road, Northwood – Refusal of Planning Permission for proposed extension at first floor level to provide additional bedroom
ii. TCP/09778/H rear of 34 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Refusal of Planning Permission for a proposed bungalow with parking and turning areas


c. The letter of refusal from the IW Council’s Tree Officer in respect of T1 Oak situated, situated at 68 Pallance Road, Northwood, was noted


203/13-14 To note the response from Mr Lee Matthews regarding the remedial works proposed for the Venner Avenue football pitch
Mr Lee Matthews, the IW Council’s Recreation and Public Spaces Manager, was still unable to confirm whether the IW Council would provide 50% of the costs to provide a sustainable football pitch on the Venner Avenue playpark.  The savings his section were required to make would have a major impact on parks and open spaces and he would need to review this impact before committing to any projects.  It was Mr Matthews intention to attend meetings of all Parish and Town Councils, in the near future, to discuss the situation in further detail.  The clerk reported that in a telephone conversation, Mr Matthews had advised her that the costs of maintenance of the Venner Avenue play area was in the region of £3,000 per annum, although no specific details of what this cost related to had been provided.


204/13-14 To consider, in the light of the additional information provided by email, the withdrawal of representations raised in respect of the application for a Premises Licence at Medham Farm
Cllr Fuller declared a prejudicial interest in the following item of business, being a member of the IW Council’s Regulatory Committee.


Cllrs Jaggar and Fuller left the meeting room, prior to any discussion of decision thereon.



THAT, in the light of the additional information provided by the applicant and the IW Council’s Licensing department the representations submitted by the Parish Council to the application for a Premises Licence at Medham Farm, be withdrawn


Cllrs Jaggar and Fuller returned to the meeting room.


205/13-14 The Northwood News
Clr Riddet reminded councillors that a meeting of the Church Standing Committee had been held on 7 January, when discussion had taken place on the Northwood News.  The magazine was regarded primarily as a Church parish magazine.  No complaints had been received from any other organisation, so it had come as a surprise to be advised of the concerns expressed by councillors.  These particularly related to the very tight deadlines and that any articles appeared not to be proof read.
In discussion, it was agreed that the best way forward was to talk to the Northwood News editor direct to try and resolve the issues amicably


THAT Cllr Riddet speak to the editor of the Northwood News to outline the concerns of the Parish Council, in order to seek a mutually acceptable solution


206/13-14 To consider providing ID Badges for all councillors
The clerk referred to her report, which advised that the cheapest option was to purchase 11 pass holders and chains.  She had made up an ID Badge that included verification of the councillors’ identity and circulated one to each councillor present, for them to insert a passport sized photograph.


THAT the purchase of 11 ID Card Holders and chains from Everything ID be approved.


207/13-14 To give consideration to the possibility of moving the large Twinning signs using S106 monies
Councillors noted the response received from Wendy Perera, the IW Council’s Deputy Head of Planning Services (Policy) advising that s106 monies could not be used for moving the Twinning signs nearer to the boundary with Cowes.  The monies should be used on highway or highway safety improvements, such as dropped kerbs to improve access to particular areas, crossings, bus stops etc.  Councillors mentioned that East Cowes Town Council had been advised that s106 monies could be used for replacement signage.  Cllr Nicholson agreed to investigate and report back to the next meeting.


208/13-14 To consider organising a “Big Tidy Up” event
Councillors expressed their thanks to those local residents who currently undertook  a regular litter pick of the Venner Avenue play park and parts of Wyatts Lane, on their own initiative.
It was reminded that due to the severe budget cuts, litter picking was one service provided by the IW Council, which was to be curtailed.


i. THAT further consideration be given at the next meeting for a Big Tidy Up to take place in the spring;
ii. THAT the local scout troop be approached to seek their help in undertaking the litter pick


209/13-14 Consultations
i. To respond to the Island Plan Core Strategy Policy SP2 Housing Regulation 18 and SA/SEA Scoping Consultation
Councillors noted the contents of the letter received from Ollie Boulter, Team Leader, Planning Policy.  The proposed review of the number of dwellings to be provided over the period 2011-2027 was welcomed, as the figure of 8,320 was deemed to be much too high.  Councillors were hopeful that the figure would be revised downward as the number of homes suggested was considered to be excessive, particularly for Northwood and the Medina Valley as a whole.  A number of properties still remained unoccupied within the village having been built over a year ago.  It was suggested that the sale of homes had slowed markedly since the recession began.  Councillors were of the opinion that there were sufficient affordable housing schemes in adjacent parishes to fulfil any identified demand.  Reference was also made to the recent Parish Plan survey, when local residents overwhelmingly expressed their opposition against any large scale development, citing that there were enough dwellings in Northwood currently to meet future demand.


THAT the clerk respond to the Island Plan Core Strategy Policy SP2 Housing Regulation 18 to include the comments outlined


ii. To appoint a representative to attend the consultation on the future of youth services, scheduled to take place on 11 February


THAT it be agreed for Cllr Riddet to attend the consultation on the future of youth services, scheduled to take place on 11 February


iii. To consider responding to the consultation process to offer support for the Island’s proposed designation for Assisted Area Status
Consideration was given to an email from the IW Council requesting support in the bid to secure Assisted Area Status for parts of the Island. If the provisional designation by the Government was confirmed, Island companies would be eligible to apply for capital grants to expand their business and create new jobs.

The IW Council stated that although the original bid and its aspirations were for the whole of the Island, the Government’s proposals did not cover the Island’s largely rural areas. Despite the Council remaining committed to strengthening the economy in those areas, it was keen in the interim to ensure that as a minimum the final designated areas covered all areas with businesses and potential to create and sustain economic growth with immediate effect.

The Parish Council recognised that there were many excellent companies, businesses and organisations on the Island seeking to improve its economic performance but when regard was had to vital economic statistics, it was clear that the whole of the Isle of Wight required the maximum assistance from the Government. Reference was made to the Island’s Labour Market Profile October 2012 – September 2013 which showed that the unemployment figures, the amount of gross weekly pay and the number of persons applying for jobseekers allowances were far worse than the corresponding data for the South East and Great Britain.

Furthermore, the GDP figure for the Island was extremely low compared with those for Portsmouth, Southampton and Hampshire County. At the NUTS Level 3 in England, only Blackpool and Torbay had lower GDP figures than the Island. With regard to the GVA figures, that of the Island was considerably below those for Southampton and Portsmouth. It was also noted that the Island was a compact travel to work area with only 4% of its workforce travelling to the mainland for employment.


That the IW Council be advised that having regard to the Island’s economic statistics, the Government should designate the whole of the Isle of Wight as an Assisted Area rather than parts of it, as it was unreasonable to penalise those parts of the Island not provisionally designated and thus not able to have access to capital grants and the opportunity to improve the Island’s economic performance.


210/13-14 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
i. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet advised that the IW Council were in the process of drawing up a formal Memorandum of Understanding between themselves, Southern Vectis and the Local Bus Forum for consideration at the next meeting of the Community Bus Management Committee.


ii. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen advised that the Working Party recommended for the summer planting to be purchased from Thompsons Garden Centre, as they were prepared to offer a substantial discount.  An inspection of all the planters and tubs would be undertaken once the weather improved.


iii. Parish Plan Working Party
The Housing Needs survey should be ready for collection from the IW Council by the end of the week.  It was suggested that distribution and collection of the survey should be undertaken in April/May time, when the evenings were lighter.


iv. Emergency Plan Working Party
No work had been undertaken.


210/13-14 To receive the report for information of Cllr Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Councillors were referred to the report attached to the report.  Particular mention was made of :
• The lack of toilet facilities along the Parade during Cowes week, as well as the removal of public seating on what is deemed to be a public green
• The re-surfacing of Cockleton Lane, which it was hoped would provide a stable surface
• Various matters at IW Council level including the use of Fibrovia asphalt material, particularly following concerns encountered by the horse riding community
Cllr Nicholson responded to a question raised by a councillor as to whether any neighbouring authorities would take on those discretionary services that the IW Council were likely to cut, due to the severe budget reductions.  It was noted that the IW Council were aware that this could lead to further job losses, which they wished to avoid.  The administration would therefore be looking to the commercial sector and parish and town councils to take over those services, in the first instance.  As next year was anticipated to result in an even worse situation, talks might be held with authorities in other deprived areas.


211/13-14 To receive the report for information on the meeting of IWALC Executive Committee held on 16 January 2014
Cllr Ward had circulated his report prior to the meeting. Mention was made of the Green Towns project, the discussion involving Cllr Steve Stubbings with regard to the IW Council budget problems, Assisted Area Status, the redrafted Consultation Protocol between the IW Council and local councils.  Cllr Ward also highlighted that the Chairman Cllr John Pullen and his wife had been successfully drawn out of the hat to attend the Royal Garden Tea Party on 21 May.


212/13-14 Clerk’s Report
i. The interim budget statement to the end of January 2014 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 66 were received and noted.
ii. To authorise payment of cheques


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment
000349, £93.19, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000350, £17.90, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying


213/13-14 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.


214/13-14 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Ward advised that several roads were being closed having been damaged by the excessive rainfall.  One of these was St John’s Road, Newport.


215/13-14 Future Agenda Items
No additional items were raised.


216/13-14To undertake a brief review of the meeting
A good meeting

Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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