Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 4 June 2014, 1:38 pm


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, David Jaggar, John Nicholson and Malcolm Nicholson
Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)


There were three members of the public in attendance


01/14-15 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllr Ward and PCSO Derek Howard


02/14-15 Election of Chairman of the Parish Council


THAT Cllr Pullen be elected as Chairman for the ensuing year.


03/14-15  To receive and sign the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office


THAT the signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Chairman be received and duly signed by the clerk


04/14-15 Co-opted Councillor
Prior to any discussion or decision on the following item of business, Cllrs Fuller and Jaggar requested for the vote to take place by a secret ballot.


a. To note the applications received and approve the appointment to the position of co-opted councillor


THAT Malcolm Nicholson be approved as a co-opted councillor on Northwood Parish Council


b. To receive the signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office and the Register of Financial Interests
As councillors were due to approve a revised Register of Financial Interests form later on the agenda, receipt of the Interests form was deferred until after this had taken place.


THAT the signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office be received from Cllr M Nicholson.
O5/14-15 Election of Vice Chairman of the Parish Council


THAT Cllr Riddet be elected as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year


06/14-15 To receive and sign the Vice Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office


THAT the signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Vice Chairman be received and duly signed by the clerk.


07/14-15 To appoint councillors to Outside Bodies


THAT the following appointments to Outside Bodies be approved:
Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils – Cllr Ward, with Cllr Riddet as his deputy
Northwood Community Partnership – Cllrs Smith and M Nicholson
Councillor to the IW Council’s Steering Committee for Wight in Bloom – Cllr Pullen
A communications councillor – Cllr Riddet
Island Waste Management Committee – Cllr Smith
District 1 Highways PFI group – Cllr M Nicholson


08/14-15  To appoint members and the lead councillor or Chairman to serve on the following Committees/Working Parties


THAT the following appointments to Committees/Working Parties be approved:
Planning Committee – All councillors of the Parish Council, with the exception of Cllr Fuller, due to his appointment as the Chairman of the IW Council’s Planning Committee.  Cllr Jaggar to be appointed as Chairman for the ensuing year
Northwood in Bloom Working Party – Cllr Pullen (lead councillor), with Cllr Smith and any willing volunteers
Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party – Cllr Riddet (lead councillor), with Cllr M Nicholson
Parish Plan Update Working Party – Cllr Pullen (lead councillor), with Cllrs J Nicholson and Jaggar and the clerk


09/14-15 To appoint councillors with areas of Special Responsibility, for the ensuing year


THAT it be agreed for councillors to be allocated the following areas of Special Responsibility:
Cllr Jaggar – Economy
Cllr J Nicholson – Community and Social Wellbeing
Cllr Pullen – Crime Prevention, Personnel Matters
Cllr Riddet – Transport, Recreation and the local Environment
Cllr M Nicholson – Health and Safety


10/14-15 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda.
Cllr Jaggar declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 14/14-15b , as he knew two of the three directors of the applicant company
Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute14/14-15a & b, as he was the Chairman of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
Cllr J Nicholson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute14/14-15a & b, as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee


11/14-15 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer, plus an opportunity to discuss local policing priorities
In the absence of a representative from the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team, the clerk circulated a copy of the police report she had received.
Particular mention had been provided of:
• The current team members
• A crime update – reduction of total crimes by 7% on the previous year, covering the Northwood and Gurnard area combined
• Beat surgeries/public engagement – to be reduced to one per month, on the 2nd Thursday of the month commencing from 12 June, between 6pm – 8pm
• School presentations – ongoing aimed at year groups 5&6
• Speedwatch scheme – 10 volunteers from the local community.  Looking to expand scheme to the wider Cowes area in due course
Cllr J Nicholson expressed his doubt over the reported continuing fall in crime figures.
Cllr Riddet highlighted perceived reservations and uncertainties that had been mentioned to him regarding the proposed move of Cowes Police station to Cowes Enterprise College, particularly due to the continuing problems with the school building.  Councillors suggested for an invitation to be extended to Inspector Samantha Dunlop, requesting her attendance at a future meeting to provide an update on the current situation and anticipated timetable of the proposed move


12/14-15 To confirm and authorise the Vice Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 1 April 2014


THAT the Minutes of the meetings held on 1 April 2014 be confirmed and the Vice Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


13/14-15 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
Minute 238/13-14 Island Roads – The clerk advised that she had not received a response from Paul Herbert, Managing Director of Island Roads to her letter or to her reminder email.  Rebecca Tuck had telephoned apologising for Malcom Smith’s non-attendance at the last meeting.  Island Roads now considered that the best option was for councillors to attend an Asset Management workshop, when several of the heads of service would be available to take any questions and could provide detailed answers.  Mr Smith was not sufficiently informed to provide a comprehensive response on all matters. A further workshop was to be organised, but no details could be currently provided.  However, it was noted that an Island Roads representative was due to attend meetings of other local councils.  Councillors considered it to be very discourteous of Mr Herbert to not respond.  The clerk was instructed to be rather firm in her approach to request a representative to attend a future meeting and to make contact with Mr Tony Toynton, the IW Council’s Contract Manager to seek his assistance.


14/14-15 Town and Country Planning
Cllrs Fuller and J Nicholson having declared personal and prejudicial interests in the following item on the agenda left the meeting room prior to any discussion or decision thereon.


a. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/31184/B 58 Pallance Road, Northwood – pair of semi-detached houses, one detached house with detached garage, formation of vehicular access and parking and turning area and TCP/31184/C land adjacent to 62 Pallance Road, Northwood – Construction of two dwellings (one detached dwelling with integral garage and parking/driveway and one detached house with parking/driveway) Formation of vehicular accesses


THAT although Northwood Parish Council considered there to be no material, sustainable objections in respect of either application in the overall construction of the five dwellings in total, it was suggested that
i. Planning permission for the proposed garage on plot 5, should be refused as this was planned to be built adjacent to the roadside and would be detrimental to the character and have a negative appearance of the street scene
ii. Any approval should be conditioned stipulating that contractors’ vehicles should be parked on-site while the building work was being undertaken, so to prevent any highway safety concerns and inconvenience to neighbouring properties and road users
iii. The ability of the existing sewers and drains to take the potential extra output from the proposed dwellings should be investigated prior to any decision being taken, as properties in the immediate and nearby vicinity had suffered over the past years and  continued to be effected from blockages and sewer problems


ii. TCP/15848/A 10 Nodes Road, Northwood – Demolition of conservatory; Proposed alterations, single storey extension on rear elevation and conversion of roof space to provide additional living accommodation, porch; detached garage with self-contained living accommodation over


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/15848/A at 10 Nodes Road, Northwood


iii. TCP/04459/A 9 Coronation Avenue, Northwood – Demolition of existing garage and construction of new garage


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/04459/A at 9 Coronation Avenue, Northwood


iv. TCP/21499/D 93 Pallance Road, Northwood – Retention of two outbuildings (one providing ancillary living accommodation and one providing a hot tub room with two attached sheds)


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of the retention of the outbuilding used to provide a hot tub room. However, serious concerns were raised in respect of the retention of the outbuilding used to provide ancillary living accommodation due to its close proximity to the property’s boundary and the setting of a precedent in approving back land residential development


Cllr Jaggar having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business withdrew from the meeting room.


b. To consider the planning application TCP/31638 Land fronting Place Road, including land to the side and rear of 47 – 11A Place Road and to the rear of The Heritage to Shephards Hay, Tuttons Hill and access off Place Road, Cowes – Outline for 90 dwellings, formation of vehicular access and associated works off Place Road (Revised Plan showing reduction from 99 dwellings)(Re-advertised application)


THAT Northwood Parish Council reaffirms its original representations against the application TCP/31638 on land fronting Place Road, including land to side and rear of 47 – 11A Place Road and to the rear of The Heritage to Shephards Hay, Tuttons Hill


Cllrs Fuller, Jaggar and J Nicholson re-entered the meeting room.


c. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council were duly noted:
i. TCP/25176/F 26 Nodes Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the proposed extension at first floor level to provide bedroom
ii. TCP/ 43 Venner Avenue, Northwood – Refusal of Planning Permission for the demolition of porch and hall; single storey side extension to provide porch, kitchen and dining room


d. The letter from the IW Council’s Tree Officer with regard to T1 Ash situated on land between Wyatts Lane, Nodes Road and rear of Fieldway Crescent, Northwood, was duly noted.


15/14-15 To approve the adoption of the NALC model Standing Orders


THAT subject to a few minor amendments, the adoption of the NALC model Standing Orders be approved


16/14-15 To approve the adoption of the NALC model Financial Regulations


THAT adoption of the NALC model Financial Regulations be approved


17/14-15 To approve the Risk Assessment Schedule and authorise the Chairman and the clerk to sign that the information provided is a correct record
The clerk reminded that an inspection of the Parish Council’s assets required undertaking and any subsequent remedial work to be carried out where appropriate


i. THAT the Risk Management Schedule be re-affirmed and the Chairman and clerk authorised to sign it as being a correct record:
ii. THAT the annual inspection of Council’s assets be undertaken by the Chairman and reported back to the next meeting of the Parish Council.


18/14-15 Isle of Wight Council
a. To consider changes to the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct


THAT Northwood Parish Council approves the adoption of the revised Code of Conduct, so to ensure a unified approach along with the IW Council


b. To consider adopting the same Register of Interests form as the IW Council

THAT Northwood Parish Council approves the adoption of the revised Register of Interests form so to ensure a consistent approach in line with the IW Council


19/14-15 Regulation of Street Trading
Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business as his wife traded on occasions and left the meeting room.
a. To comment on the proposed designation of “consent streets” for the purposes of street trading as defined by schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1982


THAT Northwood Parish Council declines to make a comment on the proposed designation of “consent streets” for the purposes of street trading


b.  To comment on the draft Street Trading Policy


THAT Northwood Parish Council declines to make a comment of the IW Council’s draft Street Trading Policy


Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting room


20/14-15 Venner Avenue Playpark
a. To consider the report regarding maintenance of the Play Area
Councillors were referred to the report advising of two quotations for grounds maintenance work of the Venner Avenue playpark, in addition to a set of revised figures for the work received from the IW Council.  The promised formal letter from Mr Alex Minns, the Strategic Manager, Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces had not yet been received. It was therefore suggested that the report be noted until such time as more information and a detailed timetable of when decisions were required, had been received.


b. To consider progressing the remedial works to improve the football pitch area
Reference was made to the report advising of correspondence with the IW Council in respect of the damaged football nets and ties. The IW Council had agreed to replace these, subject to their future maintenance falling under the responsibility of the Parish Council.  As background information, the Community Partnership had purchased nets and posts a number of years ago, following incorrect advice from the IW Council.  These had continued to be stored at the Seaclose depot and were now required to be collected.  The clerk had advised the Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Partnership but was still awaiting a response.  Councillors unanimously agreed that this would be an impossible task due to the lack of appropriate storage facilities in Northwood and a vehicle to transport this equipment.


i. THAT the Chairman liaise with representatives of the Partnership to determine a way forward regarding the posts and nets in storage at Seaclose;
ii. THAT the clerk discuss with Mr Lee Matthews, the Recreation and Public Spaces manager the most opportune timing for remedial works to enable the football area to recover and installation of additional sockets to enable the football posts to be moved on an annual basis.


21/14-15 To consider the purchase of a supply of stickers that could help to combat the ever increasing problem of dog fouling
Councillors were of the opinion that posters advising of the actual penalties of allowing dog fouling should be used to combat such a serious issue.  New notices had been erected along the Cut, between Nodes Road and Venner Avenue, by the Dog Warden service and councillors were urged to go and view these.


22/14-15 To confirm arrangements for the “Big Tidy Up” event
In the absence of Cllr Ward no information had been supplied on the response from the IW Council with regard to the letter received from Derek Finch of the 1st Northwood scout group or of the scouts’ availability to assist in any planned ‘Tidy Up’.  It was therefore duly


THAT arrangements for the “Big Tidy Up” event be deferred until the June meeting of the Parish Council


23/14-15 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
i. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet advised that a Driver Recruitment Day had been held on 11 April, when 14 prospective candidates had attended.  A further session had been held the previous week to which an additional 8 applicants were present.  The initial response was rather pleasing.  However, the criteria and training now involved was very strict and ardous.  If by the end of the process 8 or 9 volunteers remained then this would be a good result and remove the necessity to utilise Southern Vectis drivers.     Cllr Fuller mentioned that the new bus timetable featured the No 32 as a regular bus route.
ii Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen reported that Northwood had been allocated a grant of £200 under the Wight in Bloom scheme, to be spent at the Jubilee Garden Centre.  It was planned for the tubs and planters to be cleared over the following two weeks, to enable the summer planting.  Volunteers would be very welcome
iii. Parish Plan Working Party
Cllr Pullen suggested for a meeting of the Working Party to be arranged to agree the next steps to be taken
iv. Emergency Plan Working Party
No report had been submitted.


THAT the Emergency Plan Working Party comprise of Cllrs Smith (lead councillor), Fuller and J Nicholson


24/14-15 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Councillors were referred to the Annual report of Cllr J Nicholson, which had been circulated by email.  This covered his work as the Ward Councillor and his responsibilities at the IW Council.
Mention was also made that a member of the public had advised of horse riders regularly using the footpath from Pallance Road across the field to Wyatts Lane.  The clerk had passed this onto the Rights of Way team, who had subsequently advised that replacement of the rotten gates at both ends of the footpath were in their programme of works to be undertaken, on behalf of the landowner.  Although no estimate of timescales could be given.


25/14-15 Clerk’s Report
i. The interim budget statement to the end of April 2014 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 69, were received and noted.


ii. To authorise payment of cheques


THAT the following cheques be approved for payment
000357, £73.94, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000358, £306.92, IWALC, Annual Subscription
000359, £10,000.00, Scottish Widows, Transfer of funds
000360, £100.00, Isle of Wight Armed Forces Committee, Donation
000361, £116.00, The Society of Local Council Clerks, Annual Subscription


iii. End of 2013/14 Year Accounts


THAT the Statement of Accounts and the Annual Governance Statement for 2013/14 be approved and the Chairman and clerk authorised to sign the Statements on behalf of the Parish Council


iv. The Internal Control Tests to be used by the internal auditor were confirmed without any amendment


26/14-15 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.


27/14-15 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Fuller advised that the IW Council would shortly be undertaking a consultation on the Notice proposing changes to Parking Places.


28/14-15 Future Agenda Items
June Meeting
Mr Mark O’Sullivan to provide an update on the Age UK IW, Good Neighbour Scheme

29/14-15    To undertake a brief review of the meeting
No comment was made



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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