Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 3 July 2014, 10:28 pm



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, David Jaggar, John Nicholson and Malcolm Nicholson
Also in attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
PCSO Derek Howard
Mr M O’Sullivan – Manager & Development Officer at Age UKIW


There was one member of the public in attendance


30/14-15 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Smith and Ward and Sgt Gary Knight


31/14-15 Members’ interests
There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda. 
Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 36/14-15a & b, as he was the Chairman of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
Cllr Jaggar declared a personal interest in Minute 36/14-15 b as a Director of Natural Enterprise, who were in favour of the application due to the potential economic benefits to the island
32/14-15 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer, plus an opportunity to discuss local policing priorities
Sgt Gary Knight was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting due to his attendance at a mandatory Public Safety training session.  The clerk read from her notes of his telephone call when he had advised that the timing of the relocation of Cowes Police Station was still an unknown.  The police Estates Department were the decision makers, if or when the move was to occur, it would be to a site in Cowes with no change to its current operation.  The police station had been a closed station for the past two years and would continue to remain so.  Sgt Knight hoped to attend the meeting in July, although this would again be subject to operational matters.
PCSO Derek Howard presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on matters arising since the last meeting.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• PC Juliet Proctor, from Newport was to join the team
• The number of reported crimes for May was four, which remained the same total when compared with May 2013
• Police priorities continued to cover the prevention of cyclists and cars using Cowes High Street, during prohibitive times
• Beat surgeries – to be reduced to once per month, on the 2nd Thursday of the month commencing from 12 June, between 6pm – 8pm
• Speedwatch scheme – 11 volunteers from the local community.  A check had been undertaken along Pallance Road, during May, which revealed that of the 90 cars travelling along the road between 2.00pm and 4.00pm, only 1 had infringed on the speed limit
A resident asked a question in respect of the high police presence in Venner Avenue on 1 May.  PCSO Howard offered to investigate and advise the clerk.
Cllr Pullen highlighted the last speed watch event that he had been present at when an excessive number of volunteers had attended.  PCSO Howard reassured that the events were now better organised, with a maximum of three/four volunteers required.
Cllr Riddet continued to press for a senior police representative to attend a future meeting.  However, PCSO Howard advised that when a decision had been taken regarding the relocation of the Police Station, then councillors would be advised.  If anyone wished to raise any matters with Sgt Knight his email address could be found on the LSN website.
Cllr M Nicholson raised a question regarding parking on the pavement, forcing pedestrians to walk in the road and whether that was an offence. PCSO Howard confirmed that if the footpath was completely obstructed then yes, it was and the police should be notified immediately via the 101 service. Parking on double yellow lines should be reported to the IWC Highways, who could then attend and ticket the offender.  It was suggested that a reminder of parking regulations should be inserted in the next edition of the Northwood news.


33/14-15 To welcome Mr Mark O’Sullivan to provide an update on the Age UK IW, Good Neighbour Scheme
The Chairman welcomed Mr O’Sullivan to the meeting to provide an update on the Good Neighbour Scheme.  Currently there was a bank of up to 500 volunteers, providing nearly 40, 000 hours of support annually, across the island.  Mr O’Sullivan explained the types of support provided to those older people, over the age of 50, in order for them to retain their independence and stay in their own home.  
The number of persons identified in need of assistance from the Extreme Weather Support Service or “Winter in a Box” scheme, had increased year on year.  In the third year of operation the number of clients identified had nearly doubled to 220.  Funding had been achieved to enable the scheme to run, once again, during 2015.
A new venture, due to commence in Cowes during the next month, was the Digital Inclusion project.  This aimed to facilitate elderly persons in engaging with computers, by the provision of supported IT courses.
Mention was also made of the approach made to Age UKIW by Brighstone PCC, who wished to replicate the good practice of the Good Neighbour Scheme across the five parishes in their area.
Age UK, as a charity, was currently undertaking a major drive to work towards the eradication of social isolation.  An intense engagement process had been carried out on the Island, as part of a bid for funding.  The success of which would be known in August.
Mr O’Sullivan thanked councillors for allowing him to attend the meeting, requesting that they act as a conduit to spread details of the work being achieved by Age UKIW and the services available.
Councillors asked a number of questions, to which appropriate responses were provided.


34/14-15 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 May 2014


THAT the Minutes of the meetings held on 6 May 2014 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.


35/14-15 To receive any matters arising on the Minutes, not requiring a resolution
Minute 13/14-15 Island Roads – The clerk read from the letter of response that she had received on behalf of Paul Herbert, Managing Director of Island Roads..  Louise Watson, the Customer Services Manager, confirmed the reasons given by Rebecca Tuck regarding the non-attendance of Malcolm Smith at the meeting on 1 April.  Island Roads were extremely keen to work closely with parish and town councils and would welcome a visit from any councillor to meet with their officers at St Christopher House, Newport. The dates and locations of planned visits by the mobile visitor centre were outlined.  They would welcome a suggested location in Northwood, so that this could form part of the tour.
The clerk also referred to the email from Richard Baker that she had circulated, providing an update on the drainage scheme for Pallance Road/Wyatts Lane and the resurfacing of Pallance Lane.
Cllr Fuller advised that he, along with 3 other Cowes ward members, were seeking a meeting with Island Roads.  He would provide an update at the next meeting.
Minute 24/14-15 Kissing Gates – Notification had been received that the Kissing Gates at both ends of the footpath across the field between Wyatts Lane and Pallance Road, had now been replaced


36/14-15 Town and Country Planning
Cllr J Nicholson declared a personal interest in the following item of business and left the meeting room prior to any discussion or decision thereon.
Cllr Fuller having declared personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business also left the meeting room prior to any discussion or decision thereon.


a. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/24172/B 7 Fieldway Crescent, Northwood – Alterations: Single storey extension on west elevation to provide en-suite bedroom and kitchen


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/24172/B at 7 Fieldway Crescent, Northwood


ii. TCP/31857 23 Pallance Road, Northwood – New dormer windows and velux folding balcony/roof light to existing attic room


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of the application TCP/31857 at 23 Pallance Road, Northwood


b. To comment on the Planning Application made by Navitus Bay Development Ltd for a development consent order to construct up to 194 wind turbine generators and associated infrastructure, with an installed capacity of up to 970 MW (the project)
Cllr Fuller re-entered the meeting room to provide some background information and then left again prior to any discussion or decision thereon.
Reference was made to various sections in the Environment Statement- non-technical summary dated April 2014.  Cllr Jaggar also read from the Briefing Note of the Managing Director of Natural Enterprise.


THAT although councillors considered they were not competent to pass comment on the technical details, as set out in the Environmental Statement for the Navitus Bay wind park project, Northwood Parish Council strongly welcomed the economic case put forward.  Councillors in expressing their full support of the development, which could provide a significant beneficial opportunity for the island, recommended that Yarmouth be selected as the Operations and Maintenance port for the whole length of the 25 year project


Cllrs Fuller and J Nicholson returned to the meeting room.


c. Councillors noted that the Local Planning Authority had received amended plans for the application TCP/14203/E Chawton Farm, Chawton Lane, Northwood regarding the installation of photovoltaic park with associated infrastructure and fencing, which were considered a minor revision to the scheme and had therefore been approved under delegated procedures


d. The following decision taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council, was noted:
TCP/ 28 Oxford Street, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of garage and conservatory; alterations; two storey side extension and single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation (revised scheme)


37/14-15 To receive and sign the outstanding Declarations of Interest forms from Cllrs Fuller, Jaggar, M Nicholson and Ward


THAT it be confirmed that the Declarations of Interest forms from Cllrs Jaggar and M Nicholson be received.


38/14-15 To confirm arrangements for the “Big Tidy Up” event
In the absence of Cllr Ward, Cllr J Nicholson volunteered to contact the IW Council with regard to the letter received from the 1st Northwood scout group and then liaise with Mr Derek Finch.  It was reminded that the scouts had expressed an interest in helping with the “Big Tidy Up” and had volunteered to also help tidy some of the local footpaths.


i. THAT arrangements be made to hold a “Big Tidy Up” event on Saturday, 5 July, meeting at 10.00am at the junction of Medham Farm Lane and the cycle track;
ii. THAT Cllr J Nicholson contact Mr Finch, of the 1st Northwood scout group to advise of the planned event and invite their participation


39/14-15 To consider the response of Mr Matthews, Recreation and Public Spaces Manager with regard to the Venner Avenue Play Park
Councillors were referred to the report, which set out recommended action with regard to the football posts and nets and the identified remedial action necessary for the football play area.  It was noted that the IW Council would continue to provide insurance under the corporate scheme.


i. THAT the request by the Community Partnership to collect and erect the goal posts and nets held in storage at Seaclose Park be declined, as these had been re-confirmed as being unsuitable for grassed areas and the existing equipment was still in a reasonable condition;

ii. THAT the Parish Council agrees to undertake all costs with regard to the future maintenance of the football area, providing that the IW Council purchases new nets and refits the steel poles used to anchor the nets, in the correct manner, in accordance with the insurance report;

iii. THAT enquiries be made with the IW Council for an updated estimate of the remedial works identified by their Parks officer, in December 2013, with a view to this work being undertaken in the Autumn;

iv. THAT the clerk be given delegated powers to authorise the identified works, up to a total cost of £600.


40/14-15 To receive the report on the annual inspection of Council’s assets

Cllr Pullen reported on the annual inspection of the Parish Council’s assets.  The nine tubs, at the junction of Nodes Road/Newport Road were still in a good condition.  However, the memorial seat on the play park required some attention.  An inquiry was to be made as to the best way forward to treat the seat, with the remedial action to be undertaken with the assistance of Cllr Smith.


41/14-15 Consultations:
a. Island Plan Area Action Plans Informal Discussion Documents
Councillors considered this to be a very important document, which required more detailed consideration to enable informed comments to be made to the 46 questions outlined.
It was noted that a further meeting involving all the parish and town councils in the Medina Valley area was due to be held shortly.  The clerk was requested to seek confirmation of the date and venue.


THAT consideration of the Island Plan Area Action Plans Informal Discussion Documents be deferred to the next meeting of the Planning Committee, scheduled to be held on the revised date on Tuesday, 24 June, at 6.30pm.


b. Fishbourne Parish Draft Supplementary Document


THAT Fishbourne Parish Council be congratulated on the production of the Fishbourne Parish Draft Supplementary Document, a very relevant and professional document


c. The Isle Of Wight Council (Parking Places) Order No 1 2014
Following due consideration, councillors

THAT the following comments be submitted to the IW Council with regard to the proposed IW Council (Parking Places) Order No 1 2014:
i. THAT the proposal to introduce an increase of the chargeable hours for all car parks and on-street parking areas from “All days during the hours of 8.00am to 6.00pm” to “All days during the hours of 8.00am to 8.00pm” be rescinded due to the detrimental effect this would have on local businesses, tourism and residents parking

ii. THAT the free afternoon parking for the Cross Street, Cowes car park, in particular, be retained to help all Cowes businesses who were struggling in the current economic climate, particularly during the winter months

iii. THAT when the report came before Members it includes the financial consequences of the proposals that officers are suggesting, together with an economic assessment of the impact that the proposals would have on the businesses in town centres
d. IW Council Draft Speed Limit policy


THAT no comment be made in respect of the IW Council Draft Speed Limit policy


42/14-15 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet highlighted the problems caused by the temporary traffic lights in Nodes Road, as well as the 3-way temporary lights at the junction of Wyatts Lane and Pallance Road.   It was advised that this had only been permitted as their use was intended to coincide for 1 day only. 
The recruitment process for volunteer community bus drivers has been halted, due to the lack of man power at Southern Vectis to undertake the training.
Cllr Riddet agreed to try and kick start progress of the proposed re-routing of the No 32 service via the Aldi store, by contacting Cllr Ian Ward, of the Community Bus Management  Committee and Stuart Chandler, the IW Council’s Transport Contract Officer.
Following a question, it was advised that Island Roads should be notified with regard to the blocked drain near to Somerton roundabout.
A further question was raised regarding the ownership of the footpath behind the church.  Richard Baker of the IW Council had been requested to investigate.


b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen reported that the summer bedding had arrived.  Due to the credit of £200 received from Wight in Bloom, the total cost came to only £61.03. All tubs and planters had now been cleared.  The contractor should be requested to commence watering at the start of the next week.


c. Parish Plan Working Party
Cllr Pullen suggested that the distribution and collection of the Housing Needs Survey should be undertaken by the end of June.  Councillors had all been allocated individual areas to undertake.  Cllr Pullen had purchased a supply of plastic wallets at a cost of £19.00 to assist in the process.   It was suggested that an article be inserted in the Northwood News requesting for any uncollected surveys to be returned to the clerk or the chairman by the end of July.



 THAT the purchase of 900 plastic wallets at a cost of £19 be approved.


d. Emergency Plan Working Party
No report had been submitted.


43/14-15 To receive an update on the meeting of the Executive Meeting of IWALC held on 15 May
The draft Minutes of the meeting of the IWALC Executive held on 15 May were noted without comment.


44/14-15 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Councillors were referred to the report of Cllr J Nicholson.  This covered his work as the Ward Councillor and his responsibilities at the IW Council.
Particular mention was made of
• The path of the old bend in Nodes Road
• The resurfacing of Pallance Lane and the planned renewal and installation of drains in Wyatts Lane and Pallance Road
• The standard of the highway and footpaths on the Persimmon estate and the lack of will by the developers to meet the required standard to enable adoption
• The parking tickets of those attending Medina theatre, as highlighted in the County Press, had now been revoked and an investigation undertaken
• How fortunate for the IWight to have such an insightful Director of Public Health, and long may he continue in post
45/14-15 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of May 2014 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 70, were received and noted.


ii. To authorise payment of cheques


 THAT the following cheques be approved for payment
000362, £120.70, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks expenses
000363, £20.00, IWALC, revised NALC Good Councillor Guides
000364, £61.03, Mr J Pullen, Summer planting


iii. To consider the following requests for funding:
1. Northwood & Gurnard Great War Memorial Group
Cllr Pullen declared a person interest in the following item of business.  Cllr Riddet took the chair.



THAT the sum of £100 be approved to the Northwood & Gurnard Great War Memorial Group towards the production of a booklet and website for the benefit of the local community


Cllr Pullen resumed the chair.


 2. Victim Support


  THAT the request for funding by Victim Support, be declined.


b. Administration
i. The letter from Mr M A Cox, the appointed Internal Auditor for the 2013/14 accounts was noted.


ii. In accordance with Standing Order 5xix, approval was given for meetings of the Parish Council to be held on the 1st Tuesday of the month, at 6.30pm, in Northwood Primary school and that a meeting should only be held in August, if an item of an urgent nature arose.


iii. The clerk had attended the Devolution of Services workshop held on 23 May and provided a brief report and the outcomes of the meeting.  These were to form a main topic for discussion at the next Executive meeting of IWALC


46/14-15 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.  

47/14-15 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Jaggar tendered his apologies for the next meeting scheduled for 1 July
Cllr Fuller mentioned some trees being planted on the grass in Venner Avenue.  He would discuss this further outside of the meeting.
Cllr Fuller advised that the Place Road planning application was due to go before the Planning Committee on 22 July.  A Special meeting of the Planning Committee was to be established for consideration of the two proposals for a retail unit, in Newport


48/14-15 Future Agenda Items
July Meeting
To consider updating the “Welcome to Northwood” booklet – Cllr Pullen
September meeting
To debate the continuing membership of IWALC – Cllr Pullen
Quality Status accreditation – Cllr Pullen


49/14-15    To undertake a brief review of the meeting
No comment was made




Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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