Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 2 December 2009, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in the Women’s Institute Hall, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 3 November 2009.

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Marie   Ely, Roger Mazillius, Colin Palmerton, Eileen Turner-Palmerton
In attendance: 
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
Also present :
  Police Sgt Julie Cocks, Ms Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for Northwood
There were no members of the public present.

111. Apologies
There were no apologies tendered.

112. Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Brooker declared a personal interest in Minute 118 a as he knew the applicant
Cllr Mrs M Ely declared a personal interest in Minute 118 a as she knew the applicant
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 118 a, as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee
Cllr R Mazillius declared a personal interest in Minute 118 a as he knew the applicant.

113. Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 October 2009


THAT the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 October 2009 be confirmed as a true record subject to amending Minute No 104 b iv to read that Cllr Mazillius declared a personal and prejudicial interest in cheque No 000087.

114. Matters Arising on the Minutes
Minute No 95 report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer – The clerk reminded of the email received from Sgt Julie Cocks in response to her letter, which had been circulated on 15 October. Sgt Cocks advised that Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators were always given information that was considered to be pertinent and in the public interest.  However, the police were very careful as to what information was circulated and if any investigation was on going and ‘live’, then these matters would not be openly discussed.  Likewise sensitive crimes would not be discussed at all. There was no entitlement to receive information on crimes committed.
115. Report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer
 Sgt Julie Cocks reported on a number of events that had taken place since the last meeting.  Particular  mention was made of the following:
· Attendance at the meeting organised in respect of the footpath/cycle track
· Two road traffic accidents had occurred in Nodes Road.  Neither of which had been the result of speeding.
· Cases of overnight fuel thefts in Newport.  Vigilance was urged, to prevent the spread of the similar  practice to Northwood.
· Several speculative comments had been posted recently on the Northwood Forum. The police, as a matter of  principle, would not enter into any discussions on a blog site.  Sgt Cocks emphasised that the assertions  were completely unfounded and could cause possible distress to some residents.  Councillors acknowledged  that everyone was entitled to the freedom of speech. However as malicious comments could incite bad  behaviour and upset the clerk was requested to contact the web master with a view to having any anonymous  blogs blocked.
· The bus stop outside of Northwood cemetery.  It was confirmed that there had been very little criminal  activity in this area, contrary to popular belief.  Details were provided of the only two reported  incidents, which had occurred over the past year. Both had been dealt with.

116. Report from Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer (ENO) for Northwood
 Ms Jacqui Darby, the ENO, referred to her quarterly report covering the period 1 June – 30 September 2009.   Particular mention was also made of the following:
· The Medham Village issue and the meeting held on 8 October
· The allegations of improper waste disposal by a local business had been found to be unfounded and incorrect
· A complaint regarding an issue in Pallance Road had been passed to the IW Council’s Highways section
· The Senior Dog Warden had been informed of dog fouling, particularly along the footpath between Venner  Avenue and Greenways
· The bollard, previously reported, had still not been replaced
· CCTV was to be installed in the cemetery, for a period of six weeks, which hopefully will enable any  problems there to be resolved.

In discussion, councillors highlighted the recent works undertaken to remove a number of trees along the footpath, to the rear of Pallance Road.  It appeared that the contractors had failed to wear any safety equipment, close the footpath or display warning signs for the public.  The matter had been reported to Alex Russell, the IW Council’s Rights of Way Manager.  Ms Darby also agreed to look into the issue.

Councillors agreed to advertise the use of the local police information/assistance number 101, in the Northwood news.

117. Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 20 October 2009


THAT the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 20 October be approved, subject to the deletion of the presence of the clerk and the addition of Councillors declarations of interests made at the meeting.

118. Town and Country Planning
Cllr Fuller, having declared a personal interest in the following item of business, retired to the public seating area, prior to any discussion or decision thereon.

a. Consideration was given to the following application received and comments made in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
TCP/27614/C 117 Wyatts Lane, Cowes, PO31 8PU – Householder Application for a single and 1st floor rear extension to provide additional living accommodation.


THAT this Parish Council has no material planning objections to the application.

Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting forum.

b. The following decision taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting, was noted:

P/01170/09 Land opposite, 5 The Ridge, Cowes, PO31 – Refusal of planning permission for detached timber garage/storage shed.

119. Update on the decision of the IW Council to give two months notice of their intention to withdraw from the tri-partate agreement
The clerk referred to several emails, which had been circulated to councillors during the past month.  Cllr D Pugh, the Leader of the Isle of Wight Council, had promised a full response would be sent to the Parish Council following receipt of the letter sent, on 9 October, expressing regret and concern over the IW Council’s decision.
120. To consider the purchase and laying of a wreath on Remembrance Sunday


THAT it be approved to purchase a poppy wreath from the British Legion at a maximum cost of £18.00.

121. To consider the request received for the installation of a larger dog bin at the start of Medham Lane
Consideration was given to the letter, dated 11 October 2009, received from a resident of Medham.  Enquiries had revealed that the cost of purchase of a larger dog bin would be £135 plus VAT, with no extra costs involved in the emptying of the same.  It was noted that no other reports of bin overflowing had been received.  A recent random spot check had revealed the bin in question to be comparatively empty, while the one situated in Venner Avenue had been some two thirds full.


i. THAT it be agreed for the resident to be requested to monitor the situation, in order to provide further evidence to support their request.  The matter would be considered again in 2010;
ii. THAT a reminder be inserted in the Northwood News, for all dog walkers to clear up any dog fouling after their pets and to dispose of it responsibly.

122. To note the outcome of the Medham Lane meeting


THAT the report be noted.

123. Clerks Report 
i. The interim budget statement to the end of October 2009 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 15 were received and noted.
ii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
 000089, IW Council, Clerks Salary – September
 000090, £26.20, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
 000091, £8.26, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
 000092, £76.00, Women’s’ Institute, Hire of hall
 000093, £100.00, Northwood Playgroup, Grant


   THAT the above cheques be approved.
124. To receive progress reports from Working Parties:
a. Allotments Working Party
The allotment holders had organised a social event to take place at the Horseshoe Inn.  Mrs Lacey, the landowner, had verbally agreed an extension for a further year.  Supplementary Agreements would be distributed in the New Year.
b. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
A meeting of the Working Party had not taken place as planned.  Hopefully this would occur within the next two weeks.
c. Housing Needs Working Party
Consideration had been given to the two parcels of land, as previously reported.  Unfortunately both were considered to be unsuitable.  The next step would be to contact Ms S Packer, the Housing Needs Enabler to seek her advice on a way forward, particularly as the Island Plan was still awaited.
d. Youth Forum Working Party
A meeting of the Working Party had not yet taken place.  However mention was made of a meeting of the Cowes Youth Club attended by Cllr Fuller.  It had been reported that the large influx of youngsters now attending the youth club, was from the Northwood area.  The youth club suffered from a lack of Youth Workers and plans to seek recruitment were in place.

e. Play Builder Working Party
The outcome of a meeting, which had taken place at County Hall on 23 October for all Year 2 project leads was reported.  Although doubtful that the fencing of the play area would be approved, it had been emphasized that the Parish Council had the opportunity to amend their original application, if they so wished.  The Working Party were minded to suggest that more adventurous play equipment should be installed or a piece of equipment suitable for children with disabilities.  The play area provided ample space and additional play apparatus would not impinge on the 5-a-side football area.  Consultation with local residents to identify the need for additional equipment and a proposed layout design would be required by the end of March 2010, to facilitate assessment under the Play Builder scheme.  Any technical advice required would be freely available.


i. THAT the suggestions of the Working Party be supported and for them to continue to progress the application under the Play Builder scheme, reporting any recommendations for approval at a future meeting;
ii. THAT Cllr M Ely be appointed to the Play Builder Working Party;
iii. THAT Cllr C Palmerton be appointed as the lead councillor.

f. Precept Working Party
A meeting of the Working Party had not taken place.  A date would be fixed on completion of the meeting of the Parish Council, which would still enable any proposals to be inserted in the Northwood news for comment.  The clerk was invited to attend.
g. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
The clerk reported that the planting of the Parish Council’s planters and troughs had been undertaken without any authority.  They were the assets of the Parish Council and no approval had been sought or previous agreement resolved to fund the planting, which, it was reminded, was necessary under the Parish Council’s standing orders and financial regulations.  Some members of the Working Party and the Community Partnership had undertaken the task.
Under the Wight in Bloom scheme the Community Partnership had received a grant in the form of plant credits, to the value of £300 for the current year, to be spent at Ryde House Nursery.  This left a shortfall in the total cost of the plants that had been obtained.  In discussion it was noted that the future continuance of the Wight in Bloom scheme was not guaranteed.  Therefore a management plan was required to ensure the upkeep of all the plant troughs and Million Blooms gardens in the village.


i. THAT the Northwood in Bloom Working Party give consideration to an agreement with the Community Partnership on the future management and planting of the existing plant troughs and gardens in the village and present their recommendations to the next meeting of the Parish Council;
ii. THAT the Working Party appoint a lead member;
iii. THAT Cllr R Mazillius’ resignation from the Working Party be accepted.
125. To receive the report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood
The report of IW Cllr R Mazillius, which had been circulated with the agenda and updated further by email, was noted.  Cllr Mazillius also advised:
· That in respect of the planning application submitted by BAE Systems, ‘competition’ could not be sited as a material planning objection unless an adverse effect on the trading of other businesses in the vicinity could be shown.   Cllr Pullen would chair the meeting of the Planning Committee on 17 November, as Cllr P Brooker, the Chairman of the Planning Committee would have to declare a personal and prejudicial interest being a former employee of BAE Systems.

126. Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda.  An additional letter had also been circulated relating to statutory proposals on school re-organisation.

127. Councillors’ Reports
Cllr C Palmerton advised of the Vetting and Barring Scheme, the independent safeguarding authority and changes to the CRB system, produced by the Home Office.
Cllr R Mazillius reported that the roadworks outside of Parkhurst prison were in advance of schedule due to the recent spell of good weather.  One small period of planned works remained.
Cllr J Pullen commented that the traffic lights, near to the Stag public house, did not appear to be synchronized as planned.  Cllr Mazillius agreed to take this matter up.
Cllr P Brooker informed of possible speeding along Medham Lane.  The visibility in this section was very restricted.  There was a 15 mph speed restriction in place, which might not be enforceable as this was a private road.  He would investigate further.
Cllr J Pullen mentioned that the 20 mph restriction near to Northwood Primary school was also being ignored by some parents dropping off children at the breakfast club at the school.
Cllr P Fuller also reported an incident involving a person exiting the school grounds.
Cllr M Ely had attended the Powers, Duties and Precepts training session.
Cllr J Pullen referred to an email he had sent to PC Mark Thomas and PCSO Steve Oatley advising of a further incident whereby a resident in Horseshoe Close had found his garage door lock glued once again.  It was requested that the garage area be visited as part of their normal foot patrols.  Medina Housing had agreed to replace the locks, but this did not compensate for the distress and inconvenience to the resident involved.
Cllr J Pullen also mentioned that the IW Council would replace the dead tree on the play area.
Cllr J Pullen highlighted that the youths caught pinching solar lamps had been dealt with by the police and also by their parents.  

128. Future Agenda Items
Consideration of the venue and start times of future meetings.

129. Brief Review of Meeting
Councillors considered that, in general, meetings were still rather lengthy, although the days’ meeting had started well.


Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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