Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 27 October 2011, 4:24 pm


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Present:    Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Pat Bentley (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, Roger Mazillius (also the Ward member for Cowes South and Northwood), Ray Mew, Chris Riddet and Derek Smith
In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
Police Sgt Mike Sizer

There were two members of the public present.

77/11-12        Apologies
No apologies had been received.

78/11-12    To consider the appointment of two co-opted councillors


i.    THAT Derek Smith be approved as a co-opted councillor;
ii.    THAT Cllr D Smith’s signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Register of Financial Interests be received;
iii.    THAT a closing date of 26 September be set for the receipt of applications for the remaining vacancy as a co-opted councillor.

79/11-12    Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 83/11-12 as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee.  Cllr Fuller advised that following advice from the IW Council’s Monitoring Officer, he would retire to the public seating area during this item of business and not take part in any discussion or decision thereon.

80/11-12    To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) Officer
Sgt Mike Sizer presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood team on events that had taken place since the last meeting. Particular reference was made of the following :
•    In November, PC Mark Thomas was due to be transferred to a patrol team in Newport.  His post would not be replaced following his departure.  A discussion still had to take place on how the police could continue to attend meetings of the local parish councils, after this date.  Two possible options were explained.
•    The current crime figures for Cowes and the surrounding area remained low.  However car crime appeared to be spreading from Cowes town centre.
•    Two men had been sentenced for the theft of the deputy Mayor’s car.  Five others had been apprehended in connection with the crime.
•    Another car crime was still going on.  This was due to cars being entered in to as they had been left either unlocked or with the keys still in the ignition
•    An incident of anti-social behaviour had occurred on Cowes Green
•    A serious assault had taken place in Park Road.  However, the police were working hard to apprehend the culprit(s)
•    A comparison of the crime figures was provided between last year’s figures and this year, which showed that crimes in all areas had reduced significantly.  The police considered they were doing well, but could do better and were working hard to be pro-active to do so.
A councillor referred to the consultation on crime being undertaken by the local MP, Andrew Turner.  The public had been reassured there would be no loss of front line policing due to the current financial situation.  However, it did appear that this was not so.  The maintenance of local knowledge was crucial and by not replacing PC Thomas this would be seen as an overall loss to the Northwood community.  Following a question, Sgt Sizer confirmed that violent crime, particularly domestic abuse, was not on the increase, with the figures in the West Cowes area down on last year.
Sgt Sizer reported that although no-one had been charged with the breaking of glass in local bus stops, the police were making advances on the matter.  He also mentioned how officers in the LSN team were divided between East and West Cowes.  Sgt Sizer stressed that the planned changes would not lessen the police cover, and extra resources would always be bought in, if or when the situation required.
The Chairman thanked Sgt Sizer and the LSN team for all their work, particularly in respect of recent incidents in the Sun Hill area.

81/11-12    To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 July 2011


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 5 July be confirmed and the Chairman be authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.

82/11-12    Matters arising on the Minutes
a.    Minute 56/11-12 Good Neighbour Scheme – Mr Mark O’Sullivan had reported that a leaflet drop had been carried out covering 75% of the area, with the rest to be completed shortly.  The response locally had been fantastic, with 8 volunteers to date.  Mr O’Sullivan would be making a further presentation at the Northwood Residents Event on 21 September.
b.    Minute 67/11-12 Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council – The Department for Communities and Local Government had acknowledged the Parish Council’s letter expressing support for the proposal, which was currently being considered.  They would respond in more details once a decision had been issued.

83/11-12    Town and Country Planning
a.    The Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 19 July 2011 were approved.

b.    To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
Cllr P Fuller having declared a personal interest in the following item of business retired to the public seating area.

TCP/30690 Brickfields, Hillis Gate Road, Northwood – Proposed new white PVCu conservatory onto a prepared base with dwarf walls


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections in respect of application TCP/30690 Brickfields, Hillis Gate Road, Northwood

Cllr P Fuller returned to the meeting forum

c.    The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the meeting of the Planning Committee, were noted :
i.    TCP/07306/E 69 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the Demolition of garage and stores; proposed garage and store
ii.    TCP/30625 51 Oxford Street, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for single storey rear extension to form family room
iii.    TCP/30626 96 Nodes Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of garage; proposed two/single storey side extension to form garage on ground floor with 2 bedrooms over
iv.    TCP/30621 12 Wyatts lane, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of conservatory; single storey rear extension to form bedroom, lounge and utility room
v.    TCP/30602 49 Pallance Road. Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the demolition of dwelling; proposed chalet bungalow with parking; alterations to vehicular access; detached workshop/store
vi.    TCP/ 96 Nodes Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for the Demolition of garage; proposed two/single storey side extension to form garage on ground floor with 2 bedrooms over

d.    It was noted that the Local Planning Authority had received amended plans for application TCP/25467/A 34 Oxford Street, Northwood, which they considered a minor revision to the scheme and therefore approved them under delegated procedures

e.    The letter from Andrew Turner MP enclosing a response from Andrew Stunell MP, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Communities and Local Government was noted. Cllr R Mazillius reminded of the examination of the IW Core Strategy Development Plan hearings.  On Tuesday, 18 October, the Planning Inspector would be considering the Spatial Strategy and Housing Provision.

f.    To consider the letter from Miss J Pearce regarding proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework
Miss Pearce was present and addressed the Parish Council, providing an update on changes to the situation, as she perceived them, since her letter dated 2 July.
Cllr P Bentley re-assured those present  that in his view, after reading through the majority of the National Planning Policy Framework, the document taken in conjunction with other forthcoming legislation, including the Localism Bill, seemed reasonable.  The policies of the Local Planning Authority, through the Island Plan Core Strategy or Parish Council’s Local Neighbourhood Plans should take precedence when planning applications were considered.  In discussion, councillors suggested that a watching brief be continued, to be aware of any implications for the Parish Council and the Island in general, should any amendments be made to the proposals following the on-going negotiations between the Government and national bodies.
Miss Pearce was thanked for her diligence in working through all the documents and media reporting, in order to raise the matter.  Miss Pearce in return expressed that she was content with the response of councillors

84/11-12    To consider the correspondence received from Mr P Le Penn regarding the Highways PFI
Mr Le Penn was present and addressed the Parish Council reading from a prepared script, a copy of which is attached to the minutes and was circulated to all councillors.  Mr Le Penn had raised two key points with the IW Council in respect of the Highways PFI.  These being for those un-adopted roads, which were open to the public at large, being included in the PFI Scope and also for the inclusion of any necessary upgrade to unsafe major road junctions.
Following discussion, a proposal was put forward and seconded in support of Mr Le Penn’s concerns.  A further proposal was subsequently tabled but not seconded.
Mr Le Penn advised that if he obtained the support of the Parish Council he would write to Mr Andrew Turner, MP to request his assistance in taking up the proposals, as detailed, with the Department for Transport.


THAT this Parish Council recommends the IW Council to look again at the Highways PFI contract in respect of unadopted roads used by the general public at large and also to examine the safety of road junctions, specifically focusing on those where they meet main arterial roads

85/11-12    To consider any further action in respect of providing a further seat on the play park and the official opening of the play area
The clerk reported she had been advised by Hayley Williams that the seat was ready and would be delivered to the school in time for the official opening of the play area.  The school still had to confirm arrangements for a pupil to perform the cutting of the tape.  Invitations to attend had been extended to the County Press, a representative from Kompan, Andrew McIntyre and Lee Matthews and his team.  The clerk would issue reminders.

86/11-12    To consider any action to be taken in respect of the football pitch on the play area at the Venner Avenue Play Park
Councillors were referred to the report attached to the agenda.  Cllr Riddet advised that he had visited the MUGA in Freshwater, which he considered to be similar in design to that required on the Play area.  He agreed to try to acquire details of the contractor and funding sources.


THAT a Football Pitch Working Party be established, comprising of Cllrs Ray Mew, Chris Riddet, Derek Smith and the clerk to progress the investigation into funding sources in order to provide a very basic all weather facility, which would not require maintenance or re-seeding on the Play Park area, and to report back to the Parish Council.

87/11-12    To consider nominating a field for the Queen Elizabeth II 2012 Field Challenge


THAT the Venner Avenue Play Park be nominated to the IW Playing Fields Association for inclusion in the Queen Elizabeth II,  2012 Field Challenge.

88/11-12    To consider any action in respect of the condition of the Village Notice board
Cllr J Pullen reported that the Northwood Community Partnership had arrangements in hand for a replacement board to be installed, to replace the existing badly warped panel.  Cllr Pullen had offered his assistance, if needed.

89/11-12    To consider what response, if any, to make with regard to the following consultations
i.    Re-organisation of the Youth Service
Cllrs C Riddet and P Fuller both declared personal interests in the following items of business, as members of the Management Committee of Cowes Youth Club.

Cllr C Riddet presented an oral report to the Parish Council briefly advising of the background of the youth club and service provision in Cowes.  Three options had been put before a meeting of the IW Council’s Cabinet on 21 June.   Cllr Riddet expressed his strong opposition to all of the options outlined, recommending that they be rejected and suggested an alternative way forward.


THAT the IW Council seek a partnership arrangement with another organisation that is youth based to share the use of the building in Artic Road, thus ensuring the young people of Cowes and the surrounding area still have a venue away from the senior school to go to.

ii.    Proposals of the three Primary Care Trust (PCT) Clusters in the South Central region for the future provision of services for stroke, major trauma and vascular surgery


THAT no comment be made.

90/11-12    New classifications under the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2005 (as amended) :Determination of Controlled Locality
The letter of the IW Primary Care Trust regarding the new classifications under the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2005 (as amended) :Determination of Controlled Locality was noted.

91/11-12 Best Kept Village Competition
The marks awarded for Northwood in this years’ Best Kept Village competition were noted. The clerk advised that the winners of the ‘large village’ class had a total points score of only ⅔ of a point higher than Northwood.  The village had been marked down as there was no village map displayed on the Notice Board.

92/11-12    Clerk’s Report
a.    Finance

i.    The interim budget statement to the end of August 2011 and the bank reconciliation with Statements No 36 & 37 were received and noted.

ii.    The payments of the following cheques made since the July meeting of the Parish Council were confirmed:
000218, £40.99, Mrs B Herbert, Clerk’s Expenses – duplicate cheque
000219, £12.00, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying – duplicate cheque
000220, Post Office, Clerk’s salary for June
000221, £215.68, C&K Watering Services Monthly watering services

iii.    To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000222, Post Office, Clerk’s salary for July
000223, £74.62, Mrs B Herbert, Clerk’s Expenses
000224, £, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000225, £215.68, C&K Watering Services, Monthly watering services


THAT    the above cheques be approved for payment.

iv.    To consider the application for financial support from the IW Musical Competition Festival


THAT the application for grant funding from the IW Musical Competition Festival, be declined.

b.    Administration
i.    To consider the training needs of councillors provided in the training programme run by IWALC


THAT councillors notify the clerk of any of the training events they wish to attend.

ii.    To consider the purchase of a holly wreath for Remembrance Day


THAT a poppy wreath be ordered from the British Legion for Remembrance Sunday.

iii.    To consider subscribing to the Journal of Local Planning at an annual cost of £50


THAT it be agreed to subscribe to the Journal of Local Planning at a cost of £50 per annum.

93/11-12    Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
The report of Cllr Roger Mazillius was received and noted.

94/11-12    Progress reports for information from Working Parties
a.    Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party – Cllr C Riddet
It was reported that the Bus Service No 32 successfully commenced operation yesterday.  The need for more volunteer drivers was highlighted, as some volunteers were undertaking two shifts per week.  An important issue regarding a donation box still needed to be resolved, as a matter of urgency.  A meeting was to be held with Southern Vectis to try to overcome this problem.  The Chairman agreed to circulate a copy of the bus route to all councillors.  Supplies of the timetable had also been placed in local businesses.


i.    THAT it be agreed for Cllr J Pullen to be nominated as the Cowes, Gurnard and Northwood community bus representative on the Management Committee, for the current financial year.

ii.    THAT the issue surrounding finances be included as an agenda item for the next meeting.

b.    Northwood in Bloom Working Party – Cllr R Mazillius
Mention was made that action should be taken to contact Ryde House Nurseries to order the winter planting. Cllr Pullen agreed to assist Cllr Mazillius with this.  The source of a large supply of free well-rotted manure was noted.


THAT a programme to replenish the compost in the planters/tubs be commenced, at a maximum cost of £50.00.

c.    Village Design Statement Working Party
Cllr P Bentley advised that he had nearly finished reading the planning proposals in the forthcoming Localism Bill and National Planning Policy Framework.  He had also been in contact with Wendy Perera, the IW Council’s Deputy Head of Planning Services (Policy). Work was now to commence on a draft action plan for the production of a Neighbourhood Plan.  There would be a need to publicise for support from the local community, in accordance with the Guidelines for producing a Neighbourhood Plan.

95/11-12    Update on the IW Association of Local Councils
Cllr Pullen advised that he had been unable to attend the last meeting.  Cllr R Mew was supplied with a list of forthcoming meetings and agreed to accompany Cllr Pullen to one in the near future.

96/11-12    Correspondence.
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.

97/11-12    Councillors’ reports
Cllr P Fuller referred to ‘Pride of Place’, a document produced by Age UK, which he found very informative.  He agreed to circulate a copy to all councillors.
Cllr R Mazillius circulated a copy of the leaflet on changes to the bin collection service commencing on 30 January.

98/11-12    Future agenda items
October meeting
The local Community Bus service – donations and banking implications
Establishing a Precept Working Party

99/12-12    To undertake a brief review of the meeting.


Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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