Northwood Parish Meeting

Posted by NPC Admin on 9 March 2010, 12:00 am


Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held at Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Colin Cramp, Mrs Marie Ely, Roger Mazillius, Colin Palmerton, Mrs Eileen Turner-Palmerton
In attendance: 
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
PC Mark Thomas
There were five members of the public present.

180. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllr P Brooker, and Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for Northwood.
181. Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 186, as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee.

182. Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 January 2010


THAT the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 January 2010 be confirmed as a true record and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Minutes on behalf of the Parish Council.

183. Matters Arising on the Minutes
Minute 159 Northwood House  – Mr C Mathews, the IW Council’s Head of Democratic Services, had confirmed that the archived files stored at Northwood House and referred to by Mrs Mackenzie in her presentation, had in fact been removed in October 2009.  Mr Mathews advised that the subsequent full engineers report stated that the falling ceiling was due to the general deterioration of the building, particularly timber decay due to rot.  The weight of the files could however have exacerbated the situation but were not the actual cause.
Minute 172 a. i. Annual Meeting of the Parish – The clerk advised that Malcolm Smith had telephoned, apologizing that he would be unable to attend the meeting due to holiday commitments.  He agreed to ascertain if Mr Jayasundara would be able to attend instead.

184. Report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer
        PC Mark Thomas, of the Cowes Safer Neighbourhood team, reported that January had again been a very quiet month, with virtually no crime of any note within Northwood.  Particular mention was made of the following:
Only one reported crime had occurred in the past 30 days, that being 4 wheel trims stolen from a property in Nodes Road between 10 – 14 January
For an article to appear in the Northwood News requesting residents to keep a check on any vulnerable neighbours
The Street Mapping was well underway.  The response had been very positive so far.  Completion would take approximately three to four months.  When finished Sgt Julie Cocks would collate the results and pass to the parish council any priorities raised, not of a police issue

185. Report from Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer (ENO) for Northwood
        In the absence of Ms Jacqui Darby, the ENO for Northwood, councillors noted her report, which had been circulated by email on 1 February 2010.

186. Town and Country Planning

        Cllr Fuller, having declared a personal interest in the following items of business, took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.
a. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 19 January 2010


THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 19 January 2010 be approved.

b. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Planning Committee were noted:
i. TCP/04340/T Land between The Travellers Joy and 83 Pallance Road, Northwood – Conditional Planning Approval for a detached dwelling (revised scheme)
ii. TCP/29003/B 56 Pallance Road, Northwood, PO31 8LW – Conditional Approval for the demolition of bungalow and garage; construction of two dwellings with parking and alterations to vehicular access (AORM) –
iii. CP/12274/K Demolition of garage; proposed single storey semi-detached house at Handys Stores, 359 Newport Road. Northwood – Application withdrawn
c. The letter dated 27 January, from the Head of Planning Services in respect of Honimax Stables, Pallance Lane, Northwood was noted. However, Councillors expressed their exasperation as to the length of time it had taken for the IW Council to investigate the matter.  Notification of a possible breach of planning had initially been forwarded to the Enforcement team on 12 August 2009.


THAT a letter be sent to the Head of Planning Services to complain as to the length of time taken in investigating the complaint regarding a possible breach of planning control.

187. To consider joining with Newport Parish Council in making representations to allow parish council elections to be held on the same day as the forth-coming General Election, possibly the 6 May 2010.
        The Clerk referred to email correspondence received from Mr Clive Joynes, the IW Council’s Electoral Services Manager in response to the query raised over the possible postponement of parish council elections.  Mr Joynes had quoted from Section 16 of the Representation of the People Act 1985 as to the reason why the election could not be held on the same day as the General Election.  He also confirmed that it might be possible to claim back part of any costs incurred. Further specific information would be sent to all those parishes affected as soon as possible.

        Co-incidentally, since the last meeting, an email had been received from Newport Parish Council, inviting Northwood Parish Council to join with them in making representations against any postponement, as hopefully a united front would hold more weight.

THAT it be agreed to join with Newport Parish Council in making representations for parish council elections to be held on the same day as the General Election.

188. To consider establishing a Dog Free Zone
The Chairman introduced the issue and welcomed councillors’ response on the matter.  Mr Andrew McIntyre, the IW Council’s Parks Officer had been approached for his view on establishing a dog free zone.  However he had considered that as the play park area was an open space, it would be very difficult to implement and enforce any regulations covering the whole of the area.
Mr Geoff Russell, a member of the public addressed the parish council.  Mr Russell, a dog owner himself, agreed that the actions of a small minority of irresponsible dog owners were the cause of the problem. 
Councillors, in discussion, expressed concern at the amount of dog faeces to be found on the play park.  It was considered that more frequent patrols by the dog warden service and the Environment Neighbourhood Officer were needed to act as a deterrent to those owners who did not clear up after their dogs.  Enforcement action by the issuing of fixed penalty notices could help to resolve the matter, but it was difficult to catch the culprits in action.
It was suggested that the problem was not specific to the play park itself, but the whole of Northwood in general, particularly those roads leading to the play park.  Mention was made of the Playbuild scheme, which the parish council was involved in.  Although a blanket ban on dogs on the play park could be discriminatory, it was questioned as to whether the area containing play equipment should be fenced, to protect children from any health and safety issues.


THAT letters be sent to Jacqui Darby, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for Northwood and Colin Schooling, the Head of the Dog Warden Service requesting an increase in dog patrols in Northwood, particularly in the play park area and surrounding roads and advising them that councillors would be only to happy to meet with them on site to discuss the issue.

189. Clerks Report 
a. Administration
To approve Mr Sven Tester, as the internal auditor for the 2009/10 accounts


THAT Mr Sven Tester be approved as the internal auditor for the 2009/10 accounts.

b. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of January 2010 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 18 were received and noted.
ii. To consider the re-investment of funds from the maturing Bond held with Standard Life. The clerk advised of a change of interest rates to those listed in the report.  Standard Life offered a loyalty rate of 2.10% to existing customers.  The rate for a Halifax Guaranteed Reserve Non Personal Account was 1.50%.


THAT the sum of £4,000 be re-invested in a Standard Life Fixed Rate Bond until 29 January 2011

iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000104, IW Council, Clerks Salary for December
000106, £35.29, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000107, £8.26, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000108, £35.00, Information Commissioner’s Office
000109, £95.00, Northwood Woman’s Institute, Hall Hire
000110, £100.00, Northwood Community Partnership, Grant towards autumn planting


   THAT the above cheques be approved.
190. To receive progress reports from Working Parties:
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
        Reference was made to the Notes of the meeting of the Traffic and Transport Working Party held on 7 December and to the Action Points highlighted.  A member of the Working Party had suggested the need to have the bus stop in Oxford Street removed.  However, as confirmation had been received from the IW Council that the stop was still being used, this matter was not to be progressed.


THAT Mr Iain Thornton, the IW Council’s Traffic Manager be requested to respond to the Action Points raised by the Working Party.

b. Housing Needs Working Party
There was no further progress to report.  The postponed meeting  was now to be held on 8 February at the IW RCC.
c. Youth Forum Working Party
        The Youth Forum Working Party had not met.  It was noted that a meeting of the management committee of Cowes Youth Club would not take place until completion of the re-organisation of the Youth Service.
d.     Play Builder Working Party
        There were no matters reported.
e.      Northwood in Bloom Working Party
        There were no matters to report as it was still unclear as to whether Wight Link were to continue their sponsorship of Wight in Bloom during 2010.

191. To receive an update on IWALC
The report of the Cllr John Pullen on the meeting of IWALC held on 21 January was received and noted.  Cllr M Starke, of Chale Parish Council had made a controversial presentation giving his opinion as to why the Highway PFI should be abandoned.

192. Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting. 


THAT item g, the suggestion to set up a stand by team of volunteers be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

193. Allotments Working Party
It was noted that, following the article in the County Press, a resident had contacted Cllr Mazillius advising that in c1963, a large drainage pipe had been laid under the main road to facilitate water drain off from the allotment field at New House Farm, although the field end of the pipe had not been completed.  Initial enquiries at the Public Records Office had failed to yield any details of the supposed works.  It was suggested that Southern Water might hold details of drainage schemes installed across the island.  A representative of Dempseys had agreed to meet on site on Wednesday, 3 February at 10.00 am, to view the problems with flood water and establish what course of action could be taken and approximate cost, to drain the field.  An invitation was extended to any Councillors interested, to also attend.  Investigations had taken place to determine if any there was any other alternative land suitable for allotments, should councillors decide to expand the scheme.
It was reported, with some surprise and great pleasure, that the majority of the flood water on the allotment field had now dispersed. 
Mr Geoff Russell and Mr Paul Morris, two allotment holders present, addressed the meeting, confirming that they were prepared to continue working the allotment field.  The recent winter had seen an unprecedented amount of rainfall, which had been quite exceptional. They felt confident that other allotment holders were also prepared to carry on, accepting the risk of possible flooding during the winter months.  They highlighted and thanked the landowner for the first class facilities that she had provided for them.
Consideration was given to Appendix A of the report, setting out a draft policy for the allocation of allotments, giving priority to Northwood residents.  A copy of the policy would be circulated to allotment holders.


i. THAT a letter be sent to all allotment holders to determine their views on continuing with the scheme and to invite them and the landowner to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council;
ii. THAT Cllr Mazillius seek written confirmation from the landowner that she is willing to extend the lease for the allotment field for a further year;
iii. THAT allotments be allocated in the following order:
· Residents of Northwood
· Persons of immediate neighbouring parishes
· Persons from elsewhere on the Island to be approved by the Parish Council
· Any person who has an allotment and moves out of the Northwood area does not automatically lose their entitlement, providing they have only moved to an immediate neighbouring parish

194. To receive the report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood and Cowes South
        Cllr R Mazillius provide a verbal report.  Particular mention was made of:
· Consideration of the Village Green application to be held on Thursday, 11 February in County Hall, Newport.  It was anticipated that it would be resolved to accept officers’ recommendation, to agree the terms of settlement as reported, being considered to be fair and reasonable.  They would then be enshrined in law.  Councillors congratulated Cllr Mazillius for all his efforts and hard work.  Cllr Mazillius in expressing his dissatisfaction that only half the area involved would be designated as Village Green, thanked Ms Jacquie Pearce for her contribution in gathering background information, which had been quite superb.
· The outlook for the issue pertaining to Nodes Road looked positive with the exception of three anomalies, which would be investigated further.
· The review of speed limits along the whole of the A3020 had been undertaken.  Two areas, in Godshill and by Stag Lane were to have the speed limit reduced to 30 mph.  The traffic speeds along the stretch of roadway near to the Somerton Roundabout had also been investigated.  However, it could not be justified to reduce the speed limit to 30mph.

        Cllr Fuller raised a question regarding the feasibility of the IW Council to fill potholes in the unadopted road between Church Lane and Chawton Lane. Cllr Mazillius responded with his view.

195. Councillors’ Reports
        Cllr Mrs E Turner-Palmerton reported that the change in the constitution of the Community Partnership, as requested by the Parish Council, had been undertaken.

196. Future Agenda Items
Potholes in the unadopted road between Church Land and Chawton Lane – Cllr Fuller
Annual Report of the Parish Council – Cllr J Pullen

197. Brief Review of Meeting
It was felt the venue had been rather cold.


Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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