Parish Council Meeting

Posted by NPC Admin on 6 February 2009, 12:00 am


Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in the Women’s Institute Hall, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 13 January 2009.

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Colin Palmerton, Eileen Turner Palmerton
In attendance: 
Grahame Deacon, Environment and Neighbourhood Officer
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

There was one member of the public present.

194. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Cllrs Ely and Mazillius who were both on annual leave.


 THAT the reasons for the non-attendance of Cllrs Ely and Mazillius be authorised as  approved reasons for absence.

195. Declarations of Interest

 There were no declarations of interest made at this stage.

196. Report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer

 In the absence of PC Mark Thomas, Mr Grahame Deacon presented the report of the  Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer.  December had been a very quiet month, with  virtually no crime of any note within Northwood.  Particular mention however, was  made of the following:
• One incident of car tyres being slashed
• Incidents of speeding around Cockleton Lane
• The results of the traffic speed monitoring along the Newport Road, which identified  no serious breach of the speed restrictions in place.  The police planned to install  a speed indicator device (SID).
 Cllr Paul Fuller entered the meeting room.

197. Presentation from Mr G Deacon, Environment and Neighbourhood Officer.

Mr Grahame Deacon made a presentation on the extension of the Town Centre Manager’s Scheme, and his new role which now incorporated Northwood, Gurnard and Cowes within his remit as the renamed Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for the IW Patrol Area 2.

Mr Deacon explained that he worked for the IW Council’s Community Safety Service, in a close working partnership with the police, community support officers and many other community organisations including the Probation Community Service, business associations, pub watch and neighbourhood watch.  His powers include issuing fixed penalty notices for a variety of offences including littering, dog fouling, graffiti, fly tipping, smoking in no smoking areas, dogs not on leads or on beaches when they shouldn’t be and also helped to deal with neighbourhood disputes and to combat anti-social behaviour. He worked a flexible 37hour week, providing a valuable link within the community.  He was very keen to establish contact with the Parish Council for the mutual benefit of Northwood and agreed to provide a report on any local issues to alternative meetings of the Parish Council.

Mr Deacon responded to a number of questions posed and agreed to email his job specification to the clerk for circulation.

198. Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 December 2008


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2008 be approved, subject to the  following amendments:
Minute 183, it had been agreed for payment to be made to the Northwood Community Partnership, not the Northwood News.
Minute 192, Cllr Cramp attended the budget meeting at County Hall.

199. Matters Arising on the Minutes
 Minute No 184, Informal Brainstorming Meeting – This meeting to be postponed until  17 February.

200. Town and Country Planning

a. The following decisions taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting were noted:

i. TCP/28818/A land adjacent 14 Pallance Road, Cowes – Planning permission for the  demolition of part of an existing dwelling; construction of detached house; garage  and car port; alterations to vehicular access
ii. TCP/29003/A 56 Pallance Road, Cowes – Planning Permission for the demolition of a  bungalow and garage; outline for two dwellings with parking and alterations to  vehicular access
iii. TCP/03721/E 59 Pallance Road, Cowes – Planning permission for a conservatory
iv. TCP/19912/E 108 Pallance Road, Cowes – Planning permission for the demolition of  wall and balcony; conservatory, replacement balcony; decking
v. LDC/09738/X Comforts Farm, Pallance Road – Lawful Development Certificate for  continued use of land (cart track) for the storage of up to 30 touring  caravans/motor homes for the period October to March
vi. LDC/09738/W Comforts Farm, Pallance Road – Lawful Development Certificate for  continued use of disused orchard for the siting of seven touring caravans occupied  only during March to September

b. The success of the Appeal Ref TCP/00769/D 22a Pallance Road, Northwood to the  Planning Inspectorate against the refusal by the IW Council to grant permission for  the retention of a rear patio was noted. 

201. To approve the revised application for Million Blooms 2009

It was reported that the IW Council were now prepared to offer the Parish Council a full grant of £2500, if a similar scheme or schemes, to that previously undertaken, were identified for the more highly visible parts of the village.   However, it was conditional on all the work having to be undertaken by 1 March 2009.  In view of the tight deadline, Cllr Mazillius had drawn up plans and obtained an estimate to cover two schemes totaling £2,500, which had been accepted by the IW Council. The Community Partnership had agreed to carry out the work on behalf of the Parish Council, if the Parish Council were so minded to approve the schemes.  The Postmistress and the hairdressers had both been approached and were content with the proposal to take place outside of their premises. The two planters from the corner near to the Post Office would then be utilized at the top of Coronation Avenue, thereby achieving the object of the original application.  Full details were set out in the report, together with particulars of the relevant financial implications.


i. THAT the revised application covering two schemes by the Post Office and in the  Newport Road, Northwood be approved;

ii.  THAT Cllr Mazillius be thanked for all his hard work involved in achieving the  successful outcome.

202. To consider arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the Parish

 Consideration was given as to when to hold the Annual Meeting of the Parish and to  the necessary arrangements required.


i. THAT the clerk ascertains the availability of the WI Hall for the months of April  and May and to report back to the next meeting;
ii THAT Cllr Brooker contact Dawn Cooper, the IWC’s Planning Policy Officer to clarify  whether she would be agreeable to providing a presentation at the meeting,  concentrating of Northwood issues. 

203. To consider what response, if any, to the following consultations:

i. Island Plan Core Strategy


THAT the document be noted and the consultation exercise be advised of in the Northwood News.

ii Communities in Control: Real people, Real power: Code of recommended practice on  local authority


 THAT no comment be made.

iii. The “Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England under the Caravan Sites and  Control of Development Act 1960 – Section 5”.


 THAT no comment be made.

204. To receive progress reports from Working Parties:

i. Allotments Working Party

A written report was attached to the agenda, which suggested that it would be more appropriate if the land identified were to be re-measured to provide 19 plots, enabling space between each plot and for parked cars.  Quotations had been obtained for the various works identified.  The clerk reminded that in order to comply with the Parish Council’s financial regulations, as far as was reasonable and practicable, three quotations would need to be obtained.  

It was not agreed to include a sum in the 2009/10 budget as there were monies available in the current financial year.

ii. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party

 The lead councillor should be identified as Cllr P Fuller.

iii. Housing Needs Working Party

The completed Housing Needs Survey had been circulated to Councillors on 19 December.  A total of 89 forms had been returned, which equated to 9% of those issued.  It was noted that this was a below average response. Sharon Packer, the Rural Housing Enabler had agreed to attend the next meeting to facilitate discussion on the document.

iv. Village Design Working Party

 No progress to report.  Awaiting the Guidance Document from the IWC.

v. Youth Forum Working Party

 No progress to report.  However a paper was to be submitted to a future meeting.

vi. Precept Working Party

The proposed Precept for 2009/10 had been set out in the Northwood News for public consultation.  Not one person had provided a written response within the deadline set.

vii. Community Facilities Working Party

Cllr Palmerton quoted from the NALC DIS Extra 700/13 regarding the Post Office and invited councillors to consider the efficacy of producing a directory of local businesses situated within Northwood.


i. THAT the clerk circulates the report, referred to by Cllr Palmerton, to all  councillors;

ii. THAT the Working Party consider further the production of a directory and report  back to the next meeting.
205. Clerks Report

i. Finance

a. The interim budget and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 6 were received and noted.

b. To confirm payment of the following cheques:
000025, Isle of Wight Council, Clerks Salary for November
000026, Isle of Wight Council, Clerks Salary for December
000027, Chale Parish Council, £8.28, photocopying
000028, Isle of Wight Council, £70.00, Hire of school hall
000029, Northwood Parish Church, £262.50, Insertions in Northwood News
000030, Isle of Wight Council, £15.00, J Pullen attendance at Risk Assessment course
000031, Mrs B Herbert, £87.33, clerks expenses for November and December


   THAT the above cheques be approved for payment

c. The proposed Precept for 2009/10, as set out in the December issue of the Northwood  news, was considered.


THAT the sum of £12,454 per approved as the Precept for 2009/10

ii. Administration

Consideration was given to the three quotations obtained for insurance cover for 2009, which were set out in the revised Paper F, circulated by email earlier in the day.  Councillors were mindful of their obligation to obtain best value and determined that the policy issued by the Norwich Union, provided the best overall cover.


THAT the Norwich Union be appointed as the insurance provider for 2009, at a cost of £262.50


206. Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood

 The report of IW Cllr R Mazillius, which had been circulated with the agenda, was  noted.

207. Correspondence

Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.

The Parish Council agreed to submit a team at the quiz night organised by the Friends of Northwood cemetery on 27 February.
Details of the Rural Access to Services Programme – small capital grants for community buildings had been passed to the Women’s Institute.

208. Councillors’ Reports

Cllr C Cramp reported that he had attended the Town and County Planning course on 3 December, along with Cllrs Mrs M Ely and J Pullen.  Andrew Pegram had made an interesting presentation.

Cllr P Fuller advised that he had contacted Jonathan Lamb from Wightbus in respect of the number of complaints he had received regarding the Service 30 bus, over the Christmas period.  Cllr Fuller explained the reasons provided for the inefficient service and mentioned that if any planned reductions were to be made in the future, he had been assured that he would receive prior notification.

Cllr C Palmerton reported that he had attended the Code of Conduct Training, along with Cllr Mrs Turner Palmerton.  They were also both due to attend the Quality Status Workshop on 28 January.
209. Future Agenda Items

February Meeting

Sharon Packer, the Rural Housing Enabler



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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