Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 5 July 2008, 12:00 am


Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Parish Council held at Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 3 June 2008, commencing at 7.00 pm.

Present: Councillors Paul Fuller (Interim Chairman), Peter Brooker (Interim Vice-Chairman), Colin Cramp, Roger Mazillius (CC), Colin Palmerton and Eileen Turner-Palmerton

Also Present: Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

PC M Thomas, the local Beat Officer

Ms Sharon Packer, The Rural Housing Enabler

There was one member of the public present.

  1. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor Pullen who was on his annual holiday.


THAT the reason for the non-attendance of Cllr Pullen be authorised as an approved reason for absence.

  1. Declarations of Interest

Cllr P Brooker declared a personal interest in Minute No 43 (i) and Minute No 43 (iii) as he knew both the applicants.

Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute No 38 as he was a regular bus user.

Cllr R Mazillius declared a personal interest in Minute No 43 (iii) as he knew the applicant.

  1. Police Report

PC Thomas reported that it had been a very quiet month with only three issues occurring relevant to Northwood. These being a smashed car windscreen in Greenways, the theft of a mobile phone at a party and a theft from an unlocked motor vehicle in Medham village.

Cllr Fuller was requested to provide an insert in the Northwood News reminding parishioners of the need to keep cars and premises locked and not to leave any valuables on show.

Discussion took place on a possible incident of ‘cold calling’, in respect of the Air Ambulance. Cllr Mazillius was awaiting a definitive statement from the Isle of Wight Council’s (IWC’s) Trading Standards section on the legal meaning of the term. When a response is received Cllr Mazillius will forward to the clerk for circulation.

PC Thomas also advised on the unsuccessful bid to have a temporary CCTV camera installed by the garages in Horseshoe Close. This was a consequence of measures taken by Medina Housing, following a bout of vandalism when a number of the garage door locks had been glued up, which had resulted in the occurrence of no further incidents. However it was noted that one resident had advised of a further problem, but had not reported it to the police.

  1. Minutes of the meetings held on 13 and 20 May 2008


THAT the Minutes of the meetings of Northwood Parish Council held on 13 and 20 May 2008 be confirmed and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Minutes as a true record.

  1. Matters Arising

Min 28 – Cllr Mrs E Turner-Palmerton advised that she had not received an updated copy of the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The clerk would forward a copy to her.

  1. Presentation from Sharon Packer, the Rural Housing Enabler regarding a Housing Needs Survey

Ms Packer referred to a copy of the survey, which had been circulated by email on 23 April 2008 and to the process involved in undertaking a Housing Needs Survey in Northwood. The importance of advertising, prior to the circulation by hand of the survey form and a pre paid envelope to every household in Northwood, was highlighted. This would help to ensure a high return rate, identifying the need for affordable housing more accurately. The timescale for completion would be three weeks. Ms Packer would analyse the forms and then attend a future meeting of the Parish Council to present the results.

A number of questions were raised during discussion. In particular as to whether the IW Housing Register contained the information being sought. However it was advised that this did not necessarily identify those applicants that had a local connection with Northwood, which was the over riding criteria for rural social housing. Cllr Mazillius agreed to try and obtain the figures of the number of local residents on the IWC common housing register. Ms Packer would also need to be advised of the number of properties in Northwood to facilitate the printing of the correct number of forms.


  1. THAT the requirement for a Housing Needs Survey to be undertaken be agreed;

  1. THAT this item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for further discussion on the way forward.

  1. The Legacy Statement of the Northwood Village Management Committee


THAT the Legacy Statement, dated 31 March 2008, of the Northwood Village Management Committee be accepted, subject to the amendment of two minor typographical errors.

  1. Parish Plan


THAT the Parish Plan and action points contained therein be adopted.

  1. Northwood Bus Services

Cllr P Fuller had declared a personal interest in the following item of business.

Consideration was given to the letter dated 23 April, received from Mr T Berrow regarding the recent changes to the bus routes 27 and 28. The clerk read out the responses she had received from Mr M Morgan Huws, of Southern Vectis and from Mr A Morris the IWC’s Transport Manager in respect of the issues raised.

A copy of a letter from the IW Cllr J Effemey to IW Cllr D Pugh had also been received. The letter suggested that the IWC Transport Cabinet and Commission should call a meeting with Gurnard Parish Council, Northwood Parish Council and Cowes Town Council to discuss the local bus service provision. The Parish Council welcomed involvement in any such meeting.


THAT the clerk write to IW Cllr J Effemey indicating the Parish Council’s support in being involved in a joint meeting with the IWC regarding bus service provision in the Cowes area.

  1. Increase of litter around the village

Cllr Fuller advised of the increase in litter around the village, particularly along the footpath leading to Horseshoe Close. It was noted that the IWC undertook a litter pick spasmodically twice per year. The Parish Council considered that this should be increased to possibly six times per year.


THAT Cllr Mazillius request the IWC to increase the number of litter picks in Northwood.

  1. Adoption of a Complaints Procedure

Consideration was given to the draft Complaints Procedure for dealing with any complaints about the Parish Council’s administration or its procedures, as set out in Standing Order 71.


THAT subject to the addition of the word ‘contact’ in para 5, the draft Completions Procedure be approved.

  1. Appointment of a Publicity Officer


    1. THAT Cllr P Fuller be appointed as the interim Publicity Officer;

    1. THAT the appointment of a publicity officer be placed on the agenda for the meeting of the Parish Council in July.

  1. Terms of Reference for the Planning Committee


i THAT the following terms of reference for the Planning Committee be agreed:

“To consider and to respond to Planning Applications submitted for premises within the Parish of Northwood, as reported by the Local Planning Authority (LPA)”

ii. THAT the change in time of the meeting of the Planning Committee on the 15 July (if called) to 6.30 pm, be approved.

  1. Town and Country Planning

Cllr P Brooker had declared a personal interest in Minute Nos 43 (i) and 43 (iii).

Cllr R Mazillius had declared a personal interest in Minute No 43 (iii).

    1. To give consideration of the following applications received and to make comment in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at

      1. TCP/28535A 28 Pallance Road, Northwood – Demolition of garage, new side and rear extension with accommodation in roof space.


THAT the Parish Council object to the application. It is considered to be no real reduction in the size of this substantial development, with the proposals causing overshadowing and loss of privacy to the neighbouring properties. The application is felt to be over-development of a relatively compact site.

      1. TCP/29046 33 Nodes Road, Northwood – Rear conservatory, rear dormer and front porch


THAT there were no material planning objections in respect of this application.

      1. TCP/27614A 117 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Extension to provide additional accommodation


THAT there were no material planning objections in respect of this application.

      1. TCP/29060 80 Nodes Road, Northwood – Alterations: Enlargement of garage and replacement of flat roof with pitched; 1st floor and two storey extension to provide additional living accommodation; porch canopy on front elevation


THAT the Parish Council object to the application due to concerns expressed regarding the scale and mass of this significant development in relation to the size of the site. Concern was also raised in respect of how the proposed development would overlook the neighbouring property of No 82 Nodes Road. The Parish Council would wish to see conditions imposed to prevent this should the LPA be minded to approve the application.

  1. The following decisions, taken by the IWC since the last meeting of the Parish Council, were noted:

    1. TCP/00769/D, Split Decision – To refuse planning permission in respect of 22A Pallance Road, Cowes for a patio (revised description) and

      1. To approve planning permission in respect of the retention and completion of dwelling to include chimney, variation to openings (revised description)(readvertised application)

      1. TP/00687/08 87 Pallance Road – To grant Planning Permission (or issue certificate) for a single storey rear extension to enlarge garage

  1. Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood

Cllr Mazillius reported on a number of issues:

        • The annual event held at the Horseshoe Inn

        • The tendering process, which had not yet been finalised for the major road works on the Island

        • Car Parking problems at Hillis Gate / Marks Corner arising from visits to Parkhurst Forest.

        • The decision on the proposals for the future of education on the Island due to be taken at a meeting of the IWC Cabinet that evening

        • School parking

        • Problems with dog excrement along the pathway between Church Lane and Coronation Avenue

        • A complaint from some younger children that older youths had been seen playing with pen knives on the grass play area

          1. Northwood Community Partnership

Cllr C Palmerton, the Chairman of the Northwood Community Partnership reported orally on the recent meeting. Mention was made of the following:

        • The Partnership were very keen to receive feedback as to how the Parish Council perceived their future role

        • The Annual General Meeting had been scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 15 July commencing at 7.00 pm

        • Northwood Gnomes had been allocated £300 for planting up the troughs and planters in the village

        • The sum of £300 had been awarded from the Community Chest scheme towards the new Notice Board

        • The regional judging under the Calor Village of the Year appeared to have gone very well. The results were awaited.

        • The installation of the playground equipment had been delayed due to the recent spell of bad weather and would now take place at the end of the month

        • The Restorative Justice Scheme had not been supportive of the request for assistance in clearing the ditch in Medham Lane

        • The next meeting was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 17 June in Northwood Primary School commencing at 6.00 pm

        • In future, it was agreed for a written report to be provided.

    1. Correspondence

Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated at the meeting.

  1. Clerks Report

a. Finance

Accounts had been opened with Lloyds TSB. A cheque for £12,577.57, being the precept for the financial year 2008/09, had been received and would be paid into a new instant access deposit account, while awaiting clearance. The sum of £3,000 would then be transferred to a new current account.

The clerk also advised of expenses she had occurred since her appointment, totalling £60.53, for the purchase of stationery and mileage.

    1. Administration

The clerk advised that she had not yet received a formal letter of appointment. Mrs S Chilton, of the IWC’s Parish and Community Development team had offered to assist in the provision of a contract.

It was noted that one application had been received, to date, for the casual vacancy. Interviews would take place prior to the commencement of the meeting on 1 July.

The lack of any letter heading was raised. This to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

  1. Councillors reports

Cllr Fuller reported on the Executive meeting of the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils he had attended on 21 May 2008.

Cllr Fuller advised of the work being undertaken by the friends of Northwood Cemetery.

Cllr Fuller mentioned that he had undertaken the 1st module of Chairmanship training, being run by the IWC’s Parish and Community Development team.

Cllr Fuller reported an incident of ‘cold calling’ by Anglian Windows.

Cllr Fuller advised that the Cowes Town Manager had indicated to a resident that he might be supportive in the cleaning of the ditch in Medham Village. This to be placed on the agenda for a future meeting.

  1. Future Agenda Items

Agendas for the meetings listed below would include the following items:

July Meeting

        • How to connect with the local community – Cllr C Cramp

        • Parish Plan Review, to identify five actions of greatest relevance – Cllr P Brooker

        • Housing Need Survey

        • Application to erect the new Notice Board – Cllr E Turner-Palmerton

        • Demand for Allotments – Cllr C Palmerton

August Meeting


Signed …………………………………… Dated ……………………………….

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