Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 31 October 2008, 12:00 am


Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Parish Council held at Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 7 October 2008, commencing at 7.00 pm.

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice-Chairman), Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Marie Ely, Roger Mazillius (CC), Colin Palmerton, Eileen Turner-Palmerton

Also Present: Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
There were two members of the public present.

129. Apologies

There were no apologies tendered.

130. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Brooker declared a personal interest in Minute No 136 a. iv as he knew the applicant.
Cllr Cramp declared a personal interest in Minute No 321 as his grandchildren were going through school re-organisation.
Cllr Ely declared a personal interest in Minute No 321 as her children were going through school re-organisation.
Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute No 132, as his children were going through school re-organisation and he was a member of the Schools’ Forum, a personal interest in Minute No 137 as he was a Governor at Northwood Primary school and also lived in Wyatts Lane and a prejudicial interest in Minute No 142 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership.
Cllr Mazillius declared a personal interest in Minute No 132 as he was a Governor at Northwood Primary school and a prejudicial interest in Minute No 142 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership.
Cllr Palmerton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 142 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership.
Cllr Pullen declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 142 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership.
Cllr E Turner-Palmerton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 142 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership.
131. Police Report

PC Thomas, of the Hampshire Constabulary reported that September had been a rather quiet month.  Particular mention was made of the following incidents:

• Two incidents of criminal damage had taken place at the Cowes Park and Ride.  CCTV was to be installed for a temporary period.  A meeting had taken place with the Cowes Town Centre manager.  In order to improve visibility the hedge was to be cut back, together with other general repairs.  Signs were also to be installed warning motorists to keep their valuables locked up and out of view.
• The number of homeless people living in a copse, as reported at the last meeting, had now been moved on.
•  It had been report that on 2 October at about 7.50 am, a gentleman, who had been dropping off his grandchild at Northwood Primary school, had been assaulted.  It was alleged that he had been flagged down by two females, possibly in connection with speeding, when one of the females slapped him across the face. It was agreed for a request for information regarding the incident, to be put in the Northwood News.
• Cllr Pullen advised of the damage to the wall of a property in Pallance Road, immediately opposite the junction with Wyatts Lane.  It was confirmed that the incident had been reported to the police at the time.  The car, light blue in colour, had driven away without stopping.  It was agreed for details of this incident to be also reported in the Northwood News.
• Cllr Brooker highlighted the blatant disregard for the parking restrictions outside of the primary school, which he had recently witnessed.  PC Thomas advised that any such matters should be reported to the Isle of Wight Council’s (IWC’s) Highways department in the first instance.
• Cllr Mazillius requested that, in his role as the Ward member for Northwood, he be advised of any matters in Northwood.
132. To welcome Alex Moffat, School Re-organisation Project Manager and Keith Simmonds  Head of Service, Planning & Resources of the Isle of Wight Councils School Re-organisation Team.

A presentation was received from  Mr A Moffat and Mr K Simmonds of the IWC’s School Re-organisation Team.  The presentation was similar in format to that used at other public meetings and outlined details on how the IWC had arrived at its current position and what was scheduled to happen next, in respect of the proposals for education on the Isle of Wight.  It was stressed that no firm decision had yet been taken.  Following the period of public consultation all representations would be considered facilitating a report to the meeting of the Cabinet in November, for decision.  This would then trigger a laid out process, which Mr Simmonds explained with timescales and included the issuing of Statutory Notices in March 2009.  The earliest date for implementation of any agreed re-organisation proposals would be in September 2010.

A member of the public asked questions to Mr Simmonds in respect of community funded assets at a school and inquired as to what transitional arrangements were in place, to which replies were provided.

Councillors also raised a number of questions.

Thanks were expressed to Mr A Moffat and Mr K Simmonds on their very interesting and information presentation.

133. Minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2008


 THAT the Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Parish Council held on 2 September 2008 be confirmed and that the Chairman be authorised to sign the Minutes as a true record.

134. Matters Arising

Minute 119 Code of Conduct Training– The clerk advised that she had circulated an email that afternoon advising of a training course on The Code of Conduct and Local Complaints Process, which had been arranged to take place on Monday, 24th November 2008, in the Council Chamber, County Hall commencing at 1.30 pm.  It was on a first come first served basis, therefore Councillors should book their place as soon as possible.

135. To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 16 September 2008


 THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 16 September 2008, be approved.

136. Town and Country Planning

a. Consideration was given to the following applications received and comments made in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at

i. TCP/29060A – 80 Nodes Road, Cowes, PO31 8AE, Alterations, enlargement of garage and replacement of flat roof with pitched, ground and 1st floor extensions to provide additional living accommodation; porch canopy on front elevation (revised scheme)


 THAT, while noting the side windows adjacent to the property at No 82 had now been removed, the Parish Council considered that the revised application was still very similar to the original application and that representations be made in respect of over-development of the site.

ii. PNP/27600/B Prior notification for telecommunications installation comprising one 12m high lattice tower supporting three antennas and one dish with associated equipment cabinet on land at Nodes Farm, Nodes Road, Cowes


THAT, if in the event the application be approved, a Condition be imposed indicating that the masking of the tower by the tree-line must be maintained for the lifetime of the installation.

iii. AGN/07983G Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development for an open fronted timber/log store – Pallance Farm, Pallance Lane, Northwood


 THAT no material planning objections were raised.

Cllr Mrs Ely declared a personal interest in the following item of business as she knew the applicant.

iv. TCP/27614B 117 Wyatts Lane, Northwood – Ground and first floor extensions to provide additional accommodation


 THAT no material planning objections were raised.

v. TCP/23341B Chawton Farm Barns, Chawton Lane, Cowes, PO311 8QT – Conversion of garage to wet room and store


 THAT no material planning objections were raised.

vi. LDC/23341A  Chawton Farm Barns, Chawton Lane, Cowes – Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the possible future proposed use or development of conversion of garage to wet room and store.


THAT no comment be submitted in respect of this application.

b. The following decisions, taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting, were noted:

i. TCP/21760/W BAE Systems (Defence Systems) Ltd, Newport Road, Cowes, Conditional approval for the installation and erection of a test tower facility for sea trials equipped with a 17m high pole mast.

ii. TCP/29139 14 Pallance Road, Cowes PO31 8LN – Conditional approval for the demolition of existing garage, alterations, conservatory, 2 storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation (revised description)

iii. LDC/23341/A 7 Chawton Farm Barns, Chawton Lane, Cowes, PO31 8QT – The proposed alterations were not lawful by reason of Condition 2, on the original planning consent ref TCP/19248G – Development certificate for proposed conversion of garage into store and bathroom

iv. P/01555/08  Land adjacent Horseshoe Public House, junction of Nodes Road and Newport Road Cowes – Conditional approval granted for a non-illuminated post mounted parish notice board

c. Snack Attack Application

 It was noted that this item had been withdrawn from the agenda.

137. To comment on The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, IW) (Speed Limits) Consolidation Order No 2 2008 regarding proposals to introduce a 20 mph speed limit in the vicinity of Northwood Primary school


THAT the initiative to introduce a 20 mph speed limit in the vicinity Northwood Primary school be welcomed.

138. To identify a number of questions to pose to IWC Cllr David Pugh at the next meeting of the Parish Council


THAT Councillors identify a couple of questions each, to be asked to the Leader of the IW Council, in advance of the next meeting of the Parish Council and to submit only those questions, which they require a comprehensive response, to the clerk within the next seven days.

139. To consider what action to take, if any required, regarding the overgrown hedge along Medham Farm Lane.

It was noted that this matter had now been resolved satisfactorily.

140. To consider what response, if any, to make with regard to the following consultations

a. The Front Office Location Plan, under the IW Council Customer Access Strategy


THAT the IWC be urged to consider the inclusion of Cowes Help Centre, within the list of the existing Help Centres to be developed.

b. Partial Review of the South East Plan: Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs


THAT no comments be submitted in respect of the partial review of the South East Plan: Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs.

141. To give consideration to Parish Council budget for 2009/10

Consideration was given to the proposal and suggested timeline to enable consultation of local parishioners on the setting of the Precept for 2009/10.  The process would need to be completed to enable the proposed Precept to be agreed, by the deadline of the Parish Council meeting, in January 2009. 


THAT a Parish Precept Working Party be established comprising of Cllrs John Pullen (lead member), Colin Cramp and Paul Fuller and any appropriate, interested co-optee under the following terms of reference:

To formulate, for wider public consultation, the draft Precept for 2009/2010 and to make recommendations to the Parish Council thereon.

142. To consider the Parish Council’s view on the future status/relationship with the Northwood Community Partnership

Cllrs Fuller, Mazillius, Pullen and Mrs Turner-Palmerton having declared personal and prejudicial interests, left the meeting room and took no part in the discussion and decision thereon the following item of business.

Cllr Brooker was elected as chairman for this item.

Cllr Palmerton provided an update on the current status of the Northwood Community Partnership.  It was anticipated that a full compliment of officers would be elected at their next meeting enabling business to continue unabated.  Cllr Palmerton reiterated the Partnership’s stated intention to review their position at the end of a twelve-month period, making a decision then as to whether the organisation would continue or disband. 

Following responses to a number of questions raised, Cllr Palmerton left the meeting chamber without taking part in the discussion or decision thereon.


  THAT the Parish Council :

i. Supports the continuing existence of Northwood Community Partnership and acknowledges the value of the Partnership’s contribution to the well-being of the Northwood Community;

ii. Welcomes the opportunity to re-establish a mutually beneficial working relationship;

iii. Looks to formulising a structured reciprocal representation between the two organisations.

Cllrs Fuller, Mazillius, Palmerton, Pullen and Turner-Palmerton returned to the meeting room.  Cllr Pullen resumed the chair.

143. To consider the request for a financial donation, dated 8 September, received from Carisbrooke Castle Museum


THAT the Parish Council appreciate the work undertaken by the Charitable Trust for the Carisbrooke Castle Museum, but regrettably agreed to decline the request for a financial donation

144. To consider placing a ‘Suggestion Box’ in the Northwood Village News

Councillors were advised that the Parish Council did not contribute towards the cost of any articles inserted in the Northwood News, on their behalf.  It was agreed, therefore, that no decision should be taken at the present time in respect of the ‘Suggestion Box’ and the matter, as a whole, to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting, for consideration.


THAT the issue as a whole of the Parish Council submitting articles in the Northwood News and payment of these, in general, to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Parish Council.

145. To receive the recommendations of the judging panel for the ‘Design a Logo’ competition

A number of entrants for the ‘Design a Logo’ competition had been submitted by pupils of Somerton Middle school. The judging panel had given them all due consideration and reported on their recommendations.  It was subsequently agreed that the winning entrant would be used as the logo for Northwood Parish Council.  The clerk was requested to advise Somerton Middle school of the decisions taken and make appropriate arrangements for the prizes to be presented to the winning pupils.


 THAT the winners of the ‘Design a Logo’ competition be confirmed as:

 First place – Mariah Greenham
 Second place – Thomas Harris
 Tie third place – Gemma Duer and Daryl Hesketh

146. The Clerks Report 

a. Finance

i. The interim budget statement up to the 10 September 2008 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 2, was received and noted.

ii. The six monthly financial report, up to the end of September and projected expenditure to Year End, was received for information.  It was confirmed that the figures shown referred to the Receipts and Payments made to date and those anticipated up to year-end.  It was noted that with effect from June 2009, all Parish and Town Councils would be responsible for the financial cost of administering their own elections.  This would place an extra financial burden on the four newly formed councils as their elections would not take place until 2010.  Balances would need to be held in reserve to ensure that funds were available to meet this cost.


THAT spending proposals for the current year be considered at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000010, Isle of Wight Council – Clerks salary for August
000011, £53.79, Mrs B Herbert – Clerks Expenses
000012, £7.34, Isle of Wight Council – Charge for advertising that the Parish Council had resolved to adopt the Code of Conduct, in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2000 (as amended May 2007, including clause 12.2).
000013, Isle of Wight Council – Clerks salary for September.  The clerk advised that this invoice had been received after the despatch of the agenda. However, as payment was due immediately it was agreed to consider payment.


THAT the above cheques be approved for payment.
b. Administration

i. To approve the contract for the Island Waste Services to empty three dog bins in Northwood

The Transfer Note and Agreement for the emptying of dog waste bins at Wyatts Lane, Venner Avenue and Medham Farm Lane had been received from Island Waste Services Ltd.  They proposed that the bins would be emptied three times per week during the summer months and twice per week during the winter, at a cost of £1.80 per empty, in the first instance, increasing in April on an annual basis, linked with the RPI.


THAT it be agreed to contract Island Waste Services Ltd to empty the dog waste bins at Wyatts Lane, Venner Avenue and Medham Farm Lane.

ii. To agree arrangements to provide holiday cover of the clerk

The clerk reminded councillors of her forthcoming annual leave arrangements, which she had made known at the time of her interview.  The IWC’s Parish and Community Liaison Team held a list of clerks willing to deputise in such situations.  Payment would be at the rate of £12.50 per hour plus mileage costs.  The clerk was requested to make appropriate arrangements to provide suitable cover.


THAT arrangements be made to provide deputy cover of the clerk during the period of her annual leave.

iii. To approve the new Model Publication Scheme

The model publication scheme, had been prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner for adoption, without modification, by any public authority, without the need for any further approval.  The new publication scheme needed to be in place by 31 December, to be operational from1 January 2009.


THAT the new publication scheme be adopted, without any modification.

iv. To consider the purchase of a photocopier

Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business, as a member of Gurnard Parish Council, left the meeting room and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.

The report of the clerk setting out details of a second hand photocopier, which was for sale by Gurnard Parish Council at a cost of £50, was received.  Councillors expressed their concern over the durability of the machine, particularly as it was approximately ten years old, even though it had been regularly serviced by Island Copier Co Ltd, who were willing to continue this arrangement.


THAT it be agreed to not purchase the photocopier from Gurnard Parish Council

147. To receive progress reports from the following Working Parties and to consider any recommendations outlined

a. Allotments Working Party

A response had been received from the land-owner, intimating that she would be willing to lease the land for a period of 5 years, at a cost of £30 per allotment per annum, which would produce an annual return of approximately £450.00/£500.00.  However, the Parish Council would be required to bear all other costs involved, with the exception of water charges.  Discussions had also taken place with the Local Planning Authority regarding the necessary permissions required.  A proper legal agreement still required to be formulated and approved by the Parish Council.  A full report would be presented to the next meeting.
b. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party

Reference was made to the proposed 20mph limit of roads in the vicinity of Northwood primary school.  Mention was also made of the Speed Indicator Device, placed in Venner Avenue, to check the speed of traffic travelling on the straight section from the top bend to the play-park.
c. Housing Needs Working Party – To receive, and approve as may be agreed, projected costs in connection with the Housing Needs Survey exercise

Cllr Brooker reported on the three quotations he had sought for the distribution of 1,000 questionnaires. Details of the two responses, which had been received back were outlined.  It was agreed that Ils Media provided the best value for the work required.

Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item of business, as his wife occasionally work for the WI, left the meeting room and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.

The open day, to promote the Housing Need Survey, had been organised to take place on Saturday, 18 October, in the WI hall, between 10.00 am – 15.00 pm. 


i. THAT it be approved for Ils Media to be appointed to distribute the Housing Needs questionnaires;

ii. THAT the costs of the hire of the WI hall on Saturday, 18 October be approved.

Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting room.

148. Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood

The report of IW Cllr R Mazillius, which had been circulated with the agenda, was noted. 

149. Correspondence

Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting. 

Item b.   Cllrs Pullen and Mrs Ely agreed to attend the open morning at Kerry Fields, Eddington Road, Nettlestone on 9 October.

150. Councillors reports

Cllr Mrs Turner-Palmerton reported the results of her enquiries with the IWC with regard to the fencing off of the children’s play area.  The cost would be in the region of £110K.  The IWC, were now of the view that these areas remained un-fenced. 
Cllr Mrs Turner-Palmerton advised that the Parish Council were able to promote the village trail.  However permission must be sought from the relevant landowner before any signs are erected.
Cllr Mrs Turner-Palmerton referred to a number of cars, which continued to park at the junction of Greenways with Uplands.  They obscured the visibility, making it very difficult for any motorist in turning left.
Cllr Palmerton advised that he was keeping a constant check on Post Watch, but was not aware of any proposals to change services which would affect the village.
Cllr Fuller circulated a report of his activities over the past month.  Particular mention was made of proposals for a Youth Forum.  Cllr Fuller would present a report to the next meeting.
Cllr Fuller suggested that he produce a report on the Changes to Permitted Development Rights, which had recently taken place.  He would also liaise with Mr A Pegram, of the Local Planning Authority.
151. Future Agenda Items

November Meeting
i. Wreath for Armistice day – Cllr Fuller
ii. Resource Acquisition – Cllr Palmerton
iii. CRB checks – Cllr Palmerton
iv. Verifiable identification – Cllr Palmerton


Signed ……………………………………      Dated ……………………………….

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